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FMA Research, Inc.

LANL Lightning Waveform Data

The Institutional Team

This project is a result of the collaboration of three institutions, the University of Houston, the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and FMA Research, Inc. It has been made possible through the financial support of the Suborbital Program in Magnetosphere, Ionosphere Thermosphere, and Mesosphere Physics, Office of Space Science, NASA. Balloon hardware and flight operations will be provided by  NASA's National Scientific Balloon Facility, Palestine, Texas.

uhbigr_shad.gif (3531 bytes)University of Houston

Aurora2.jpg (5306 bytes)Space Physics Group, Physics Department, University of Houston

The University of Houston Physics Department has three faculty members working in the area of Upper Atmospheric and Space Physics. The Space Physics group occupies 3800 square feet of laboratory and office space. Of particular importance is the complete balloon and rocket instrument fabrication facility operated by the Space Physics Group. The University has also provided the Space Physics Group with two computers for data analysis. The main Physic Department computer is a DEC AlphaServer 2000/233 with 64 MB RAM, 18 GB of disk, of which 8.6 GB is reserved for Space Physics, a TZ87 20GB cartridge tape drive, a CD-ROM reader, and network connections to a variety of other peripherals. The Space Science Data Center facilities include the University of Houston Space Physics Computer, which is a dedicated VAX 11/750 with 16 MB of main memory and 1.6GB of disk space, two tape drives and a variety of other peripherals. In addition, the group has a total of 8 PC workstations all connected to the Campus LAN.

gilogo.gif (3577 bytes)Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks


The Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, is a research organization dedicated to basic geophysical research. It has a relatively large group, about 15 academic and research faculty, engaged in auroral and space physics. Drs. Sentman and Wescott have pioneered the work on upward lightning which may have significant implications for the Earth's DC and AC electric environment. Of particular interest to this proposal are the fully staffed and equipped machine and electronics shops specializing in research support. The Geophysical Institute also has a large computer shop which can provide programming and computer maintenance support.

The UAF proposing team have all imaging equipment required for the observations, and they have a range of computers and special software available for the analysis of the data. Furthermore, they have access to the Arctic Region Supercomputer Center (ARSC) for large computing tasks.

sprt-bkg.gif (15003 bytes)FMA Research, Inc.

FMA Research operates the Yucca Ridge Field Station near Ft. Collins described on the gound station page of this Web. The group has published as prime author or contributor several dozen papers and technical articles on sprites, lightning detection and severe local storms.


nasa.gif (6036 bytes)NASA Office of Space Science

nsbflog1.gif (2170 bytes)National Scientific Balloon Facility

Copyright 1999, 2004, University of Houston
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Last updated: Thursday, August 16, 2001