Ph.D. Student Wins Second Place Poster Award at 2017 Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Meeting

Meeting Focusses on Basinal and Petroleum Studies of the Gulf of Mexico Basin

Pin Lin, a third-year Ph.D. student in University of Houston’s Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, won the second place, Gordon I. Atwater Poster Award at the annual meeting of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS) held in San Antonio.

Pin LinFirst, second, third and fourth place awards were given to the top posters in a group of 36 posters that included entries by both professionals and graduate students. Posters were scored by a panel of judges based on the overall appearance of the poster, quality of data and interpretations, oral summary of the poster by the presenter, and responses of the presenter to questions posed by the judges.

Lin's poster, entitled “Comparison of regional tectonic subsidence variations in the eastern Gulf of Mexico produced during two-stage, Mesozoic basin opening,” presented a three-panel summary of one chapter of her Ph.D. dissertation that included her interpretation of seismic reflection and well data subsidence to predict the orientations and locations of deeply buried rifts. The study is timely due to the possible opening of this region for oil exploration.

Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS)Her dissertation supervisor and co-author, Dr. Paul Mann, will receive a plaque on her behalf at the Opening Session and Awards Ceremony of the 2018 GCAGS Convention in Shreveport, Louisiana, on September 30, 2018.

Lin will complete her Ph.D. from EAS in the summer of 2018 and will begin a job as a explorationist with the China National Offshore Oil Corporation in Beijing.

Other EAS faculty and student oral and poster presentations at the 2017 GCGAS meeting are listed at