Department of Computer Science Holds Research Open House

Department of Computer Science Holds Research Open House
Forum to Discuss Cutting-Edge Research Topics

Thank you to all of the presenters, research mentors, moderators, volunteers and attendees who made the 2015 Computer Science Research Open House on November 13, a huge success!

Open House
Computer Science Ph.D. students Shengrong Yin and Nour Smoui demonstrate visible light communication system under water and through muddy water to Professors Subhlok and Gnawali.
The Computer Science Research Open House was a chance for faculty to share their research experiences with the larger computing community at UH and with industry partners. The event provided a forum for students, faculty, and the community to discuss cutting-edge research topics and to examine the connection between research and application.

The Open House included three formal talks: State of the Department by Dr. Jaspal Subhlok, Department Chair; Living in a World without Passwords by Dr. Ioannis Kakadiaris, Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen University Professor of Computer Science; and Engine of the Power House by Dr. Larry Shi.

The talks were followed by poster and demonstration sessions by the department.

Dr. Ioannis Kakadiaris
Prof. Kakadiaris presents “Living in a World without Passwords.”
Research Exhibits Included:

  • UH Computer Graphics and Interactive Media Lab
  • Parallel Software Technologies Laboratory
  • Visualization and Modeling for Science and Engineering
  • UH Data Mining and Machine Learning Group
  • Surgical Robots Guided with Real-Time Imaging
  • Research in Text Understanding and Analysis of Language (RiTUAL) Group
  • UH Software-Defined Networking Lab
  • Pattern Analysis Laboratory
  • New Technologies to Connect People and Devices in the Air, Land, and Sea
  • UML Modeling - Prelude to Programming
  • Automatic B Cell Lymphoma Detection Using Flow Cytometry Data
  • Real-Time Systems Laboratory
  • Security Solutions for Web and Cloud
  • Computational Biomedicine Lab
  • State of the Department
  • ReDAS - Reasoning and Data Analytics for Security
  • Quantitative Imaging Laboratory
  • Computational Physiology Lab
  • UH Gaming Program: Success Stories and Future Prospects