Journal Article Featured on Advances in Engineering Website

Journal Article Featured on Advances in Engineering Website
Service Highlights Articles of Importance to Progress in Engineering Technologies

The publication, “Multiscale Mechanobiology Modeling for Surgery Assessment,” by M. Garbey, B. L. Bass, and S. Berceli (Acta Mechanica Sinica, August 2012, Volume 28, Issue 4, pp 1186-1202) is featured by the Advances in Engineering website as a leading article in Computer Engineering.

The Advances in Engineering service alerts the scientific community to breaking journal articles considered to be of importance to the progress in engineering technologies.

Advances in Engineering is viewed almost 265,000 times each month by an audience of academic and industrial R&D personnel and is featured on the intranets of a growing number of the top 50 engineering companies and major academic institutions.

Abstract of Publication on Advances in Engineering Site