Wireless System Research Group Awarded NSF Grant

Wireless System Research Group Awarded NSF Grant
Team Investigating Wireless Coexistence for Safety-Critical Applications

A team of UH researchers – Dr. Rong Zheng (PI), Dr. Zhu Han (ECE), Dr. Cliff Dacso (CoT, BCM) – with expertise in wireless communication, networking and medical clinic care will be developing novel and holistic solutions to monitoring, policing and assessing the coexistence of wireless devices in and near safety-critical systems. Addressing the coexistence issues of wireless devices for safety-critical applications has far-reaching societal impacts. Ensuring the safe operation of wireless technologies in or near safety-critical applications can automate the process, reduce human errors, and avoid safety hazards.

More information can be found at http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=1117560.