Minor Requirements

Minor Requirements
A minor in Creative Work (CW) requires:
18 hours of approved courses for the minor, including:
One foundation course (3 credit hours); HON 3310: Creativity at Work
Four additional CW-elective courses (12 credit hours) of which a minimum of two must be advanced (3000-level or above). A course listed as a capstone may count as a CW-elective if another capstone course is completed to fulfill that requirement.
One advanced (3000-level or above) course designated or — under special circumstances — approved in advance as a capstone course by the program director; or the “default” capstone course HON 4315: Artists at Work
2. A minimum of four courses (12 hours) must be taken in residence.
3. A cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required in the six courses completed for the minor.
4. Up to six CW-elective credit hours may be satisfied by an internship with a local arts organization or bya suitable Senior Honors Thesis, with approval of the minor program director. In addition, the Senior
Honors Thesis may satisfy the capstone requirement with permission of the program director.