Students Present their Research at UH Undergraduate Research Day 2017
Students working with HHP faculty presented their research at the UH Undergraduate Research Day 2017 on October 12th 2017 at the Rockwell Pavilion in M.D. Anderson library.
Below are images of students from the HOUSTON Academy, working with Dr. Daphne Hernandez, with their posters.
Jessica Christian (Children’s sleep patterns during the school year and summer break)
Amaryllis Fernandes (Hands on learning: Designing a vegetable garden for the Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management)
Jhonathan Orozco (Cultural adaptation of “Healthy Dad Healthy Kids” (HDHK) for Hispanic families: Fundamental movement skills pay card get a cultural face lift)
Steven Canales (Links among individual, family, & neighborhood risk and maternal weight)
Fatema Shipchandler (The association between food insecurity and diabetes: Differences by sex and socio-economic status among older adults)