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Major in Mexican American and Latino/a Applied Studies



The Major will balance depth and breadth in its curriculum to provide students with a variety of perspectives of predominant Latino sub-groups, such as Mexican Americans, Cuban Americans, Puerto Ricans as well as sub-groups from Central America, South America, and the Caribbean in relation to key elements for the formation of U.S. society, such as politics, the economy, education, and the arts.

MALS will also offer some tracks in enterprise applications, quantitative methods and public policy, and Latino/a cultural studies to better prepare students for their successful incorporation into the labor market or graduate and professional school.

Inter-and-multidisciplinary academic area of study that builds upon the experiences of people of Mexican and Latino descent. The BA seeks to prepare students to become leaders in the business, political, academic and cultural communities by exposing them to a wide curriculum and diverse academic experiences including conferences, symposiums, internships, cultural and artistic programming. The Major will provide the tools for a successful school-workforce transition (the Major is under current review).


•30 SCH (15 SCH core, 2 SCH electives 9 SCH track)

•Industry/Commercial (Business)

•Quantitative Methods and Policy


•Liberal Arts
