Staff Council Launches Cougar Cudos

On March 5, 2012, Staff Council launched Cougar Cudos, an initiative to positively promote staff contributions on campus.

Cougar Cudos will be a venue for anyone to provide positive feedback to staff members. Possible nominators could be students who were helped by the staff member, co-workers or supervisors, or anyone who feels that an employee has done a wonderful job. This is not a competitive process. As long as the feedback is positive, the kudos will be accepted.

Staff Council will send the employee receiving the Cougar Cudos a certificate to print out at their discretion. An email will be sent to Cudos recipient notifying them of the award and directly using the comments that the customer submitted. Staff Council will forward a copy of the remarks to the employee's supervisor if they wish, and we will display the recipient's name and date of the Cudos on the Staff Council website unless they opt out.

For more information, please visit the Staff Council website at There, you will also find a link to the nomination and the flyer.