Parking Enforcement at the University of Houston starts their day before many of us wake up and get ready for work. A 6 a.m. report time for the lucky few makes for an early morning. Checking and ensuring parking lots are ready for the students, faculty, staff and visitors requires an early start. An average Parking Enforcement Assistant walks 5 miles a day to maintain compliance in all the parking lots and garages.

Along with their day to day duties, Parking Enforcement Assistants work special events, ensure safe school bus parking, provide transport in and around campus, assist motorists with a variety of vehicular issues and assist the Police Department as being an extra set of eyes and ears out in the campus community for suspicious activity.

While many of us get a break from the heat during the summer months by having an office inside, Parking Enforcement Assistants do not. They work most days in the 95+ degree weather. Rain, shine, heat, freeze, and storms, your Parking Enforcement Assistants are here to serve the campus community.