Administration and Finance Focus

Administration Finance & Focus


Weight Watchers sessions to continue in spring semester

By Court Stein

Weight Watchers meetings will continue during the spring semester here on the University of Houston campus.

These meetings provide support, education and opportunities to share additional weight management strategies. Plus, by taking place here on campus, the sessions are time efficient and convenient for faculty and staff. An additional group may meet at the Energy Research Park if enough interest is shown.

Weight Watchers will host an open house on Jan 18 at 12:15 p.m. in the Campus Recreation and Wellness Center, second level, Room 2000G. At the open house, faculty and staff can learn more about the program and sign up for the spring meeting series, which is scheduled to begin Thursday, Jan. 26.

If at least 20 people sign up, the program will qualify for the best value rate, which for the 17-week program will be $186 and includes online digital tools. Payment can be made in full by credit or debit card, check, cash or in three check split payments of $62 each. If paying with split pay, all checks are written upfront but deposited over three months when the series begins.

People may also register by contacting HR Wellness Manager Court Stein at 713-743-1991 or emailing POWER UP Employee Wellness at

Set meeting dates, time and location are still to be determined, but meetings usually occur during the noon lunch time hour. For more information on Weight Watchers, watch this quick video or contact POWER UP.