Holiday Travel Safety Tips

Give a friend, neighbor or relative your travel route, itinerary and cellular phone number before you leave. Keep in contact with family and friends while on the road.

Get automatic timers for your lights at home. Remember to set them at different times.

Ask a neighbor to watch your home and park in your driveway from time to time. Ask them to set one of their trash cans out in your driveway on trash day as if it was yours.

Don�t forget to have mail and newspaper delivery stopped or picked up by a neighbor.

Don�t leave holiday packages where they can be seen.

Make sure your cellular phone is in working order in case of an emergency.

Be sure your vehicle is in good running order. Inspect, or have your car inspected. Check brakes, tires, antifreeze, wiper fluid, gasoline, lights, battery and wipers.

Pack several warm blankets, ample drinking water, flares, first aid kit, fire extinguisher and two flashlights with fresh batteries.

Get plenty of rest before your leave.

Leave early and give yourself plenty of time to make the drive. Don�t speed!

Make sure everyone wears their seatbelt at all times. Children should ride in the back seat. Children younger than 6, or under 60 pounds, should ride in an approved car safety seat appropriate for their height and weight.

Avoid taking over-the-counter medications that could make you drowsy while you drive.

Never drink and drive!