Administration and Finance Focus

Administration Finance & Focus

Auxiliary Services

Call goes out for volunteers to help at upcoming Finals Mania

By Richard Zagrzecki

The call is going out for members of the UH community who can pitch in and help with the twice-a-year tradition known as Finals Mania.

The event, which is held at the end of the fall and spring semesters, provides a much-needed break for students as they prepare for final exams.

From 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 5, pancakes will be served to the approximately 1,700 students expected to show up at the Rockwell Pavilion in the M.D. Anderson Library. In addition, they can also have turkey sausage, coffee, orange juice and a variety of snacks.

To keep everything running smoothly, a small army of volunteers is needed.

“This is a fun and worthwhile event that every employee and faculty member should take part in at least once,” said Maria Honey, assistant director of marketing and communications for Auxiliary Services. “Everyone who participates finds it to be a rewarding experience.”

Volunteers are needed to do everything from greeting people as they come through the door to serving the toppings on pancakes. They are also needed to help direct the line of students waiting to be served and to make sure everything remains orderly. Beverage stations need to be manned and meal tickets have to be handed out.

Those who are interested in volunteering should reach out to Emily Fahner, marketing coordinator for Auxiliary Services, by email at

“This tradition runs smoothly every semester as a result of the hard work and dedication of those who volunteer their valuable time,” Fahner said. “We hope to see many new faces join in.”