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Final Exam Schedules

Summer 2024 Final Exam Schedule

Preparation for Final Exams

  • Under university policy, there will be no class meeting other than for examination purposes after
    • Summer Session 1, Friday, August 09
    • Summer Session 2, Tuesday, July 02
    • Summer Session 3, Tuesday, July 30
    • Summer Session 4, Wednesday, August 07
    • Summer Session 5, Wednesday, July 17

The Summer 2024 final exam schedule was developed by the Office of the University Registrar and approved by the University of Houston Academic Calendar Committee as well as the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost. 

Exam Time/Location 

  • Each exam will have a 2-hour time block which includes 1 hour and 45 minutes of testing time and 15 minutes passing time. All final exams will begin at the start time indicated on the final exam schedule and end at least 15 minutes prior to the next scheduled final exam time. For example, exams beginning at 8:00 am will end no later than 9:45 am to allow students passing time for their next exam.
  • Instructors may submit a request for an exception to the 2-hour final exam period. The exception request requires a strong rationale and is subject to college and provost office approval. The deadline to submit a 2-hour exception request for Summer 2024 is Tuesday, June 4, 2024.
  • All final exams will be held in the rooms where classes are regularly scheduled unless otherwise noted. It is recommended that students confirm final exam times/locations with their instructors.

Schedule Coverage

Final exam dates and times in the schedule apply to all University of Houston undergraduate and graduate courses (including the University of Houston at Sugar Land and the University of Houston at Katy) with assigned class meeting days/times except those offered by the UH Law Center and College of Medicine.

  • Courses without an assigned class meeting day, time, and location do not have a scheduled final exam day and time.
  • Law students should check with the Law Center Office of Student Services for information regarding final exam days, times, and locations.
  • Medical students should check with the College of Medicine for information regarding final exam days, times, and locations.

Final Exam Period

Final exams will be administered according to the Summer 2024 final exam schedule from Monday, August 12 to Tuesday, August 9 for session 1. If given, final exams must occur on the days and times indicated on the final exam schedule. Per University policy, there will be no class meetings other than for final exam purposes after Friday, August 9.

Exam Conflict  

Every effort is made to minimize exam conflicts in developing the final exam schedule. If students have two or more final exams scheduled during the same day and time, or more than 3 exams on the same day, the following process has been established to eliminate the conflict:

  • Students may report conflicts and request resolution beginning on Tuesday, July 16, 2024. The deadline to report final exam conflicts is Monday, July 22, 2024.
  • In the event of an exam conflict, students should complete the Final Exam Conflict form.
  • In resolving exam conflicts, courses with higher numbers will be given priority in retaining the originally scheduled exam day/time for students with conflicts. For example, if a student is enrolled in both ACCT 2301 and CHEM 1301, which are scheduled on the same day at the same time, the student will take the ACCT 2301 exam as indicated on the final exam schedule, and the CHEM 1301 exam will be rescheduled.
  • The Office of the University Registrar will communicate rescheduled exam days, times, and locations to students and course instructors.

Students with Disabilities

Summer 2024 Final Exam Schedule

Mini Session
(May 13 - Jun 01)
Meeting Days Meeting Times Exam Date
June 01
Mini Session Arranged
Summer Session 1 
(Jun 03 - Aug 09)
Meeting Days Meeting Times Exam Date

Saturday Aug 10

Aug 12

Tuesday Aug 13

MW 8am–10am 8am-10am
MW 10am-Noon 10am-12pm
MW Noon-2pm 12pm-2pm
MW 2pm-4pm 2pm-4pm
MW 4pm-6pm 4pm-6pm 
MW 6pm-8pm 6pm-8pm 
MW 8pm-10pm  8pm-10pm
TTH 8am–10am 8am-10am
TTH 10am-Noon 10am-12pm
TTH Noon-2pm 12pm-2pm
TTH 2pm-4pm 2pm-4pm
TTH 4pm-6pm 4pm-6pm 
TTH 6pm-8pm 6pm-8pm   
TTH 8pm-10pm 8pm-10pm
Sat 8am-12:30pm 8am-10am
Sat 1pm-5:30pm 2pm-4pm
Summer Session 2
(Jun 03 - Jul 03)
Meeting Days Meeting Times Exam Date
July 03
MTWThF 8am–10am 8am-10am
MTWThF 10am-Noon 10am-12pm
MTWThF Noon-2pm 12pm-2pm
MTWThF 2pm-4pm 2pm-4pm
MTWThF 4pm-6pm 4pm-6pm
MTWThF 6pm-8pm 6pm-8pm
MTWThF 8pm-10pm 8pm-10pm
Summer Session 3
(Jun 03 - Jul 30)
Meeting Days Meeting Times Exam Date
July 31
August 01
TWTh 8–10am 8am-10am
TWTh 10-Noon 10am-12pm
TWTh Noon-2pm 12pm-2pm
TWTh 2-4pm 2pm-4pm
TWTh 4-6pm 4pm-6pm
TWTh 6-8pm 6pm-8pm
TWTh 8-10pm 8pm-10pm
Summer Session 4 
(Jul 15 - Aug 07)
Meeting Days Meeting Times Exam Date 
Aug 08
Aug 09
MTWThF 8–10am 8am-10am
MTWThF 10-Noon 10am-12pm
MTWThF Noon-2pm 12pm-2pm
MTWThF 2-4pm 2pm-4pm
MTWThF 4-6pm 4pm-6pm
MTWThF 6-8pm 6pm-8pm
MTWThF 8-10pm 8pm-10pm
Summer Session 5
(Jun 17 - July 24)
Meeting Days Meeting Times Exam Date  
Jul 18
Jul 19
MTWThF 8–10am 8am-10am
MTWThF 10-Noon 10am-12pm
MTWThF Noon-2pm 12pm-2pm
MTWThF 2-4pm 2pm-4pm
MTWThF 4-6pm 4pm-6pm
MTWThF 6-8pm 6pm-8pm
MTWThF 8-10pm 8pm-10pm

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Fall 2024 Final Exam Schedule

The Fall 2024 final exam schedule was developed by the Office of the Registrar and approved by the University of Houston Academic Calendar Committee as well as the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost.

Exam Time/Location 

  • Each exam will have a 2-hour time block which includes 1 hour and 45 minutes testing time and 15 minutes passing time.  All final exams will begin at the start time indicated on the final exam schedule and end at least 15 minutes prior to the next scheduled final exam time. For example, exams beginning at 8:00 am will end no later than 9:45 am to allow students passing time for their next exam.
  • Instructors may submit a request for an exception to the 2-hour final exam period. The exception request requires a strong rationale and is subject to college and provost office approval. The deadline to submit a 2-hour exception request for Fall 2024 is Tuesday, August 6, 2024.
  • A class that meets once a week for an extended period of time that overlaps two or more regular class periods will have its examination at the time scheduled for class meetings during the earliest of the overlapped periods. For example, a class meeting on Friday from 8 am-11 am overlaps three regular class periods on a Monday/Wednesday meeting pattern: 8 am-9 am, 9 am-10 am, and 10 am-11 am. The class will follow the final exam assignment for the MWF 8 am-9 am block, with the final exam occurring Monday, December 9th, 8 am-10 am.
  • Saturday classes during session 1 will have their final exam on the last day of class, which is the 15th class meeting.
  • All final exams will be held in the rooms where classes are regularly scheduled unless otherwise noted. It is recommended that students confirm final exam times/locations with their instructors.

Schedule Coverage and Exceptions

Final exam dates and times in the schedule apply to all University of Houston (including the University of Houston at Sugar Land and the University of Houston at Katy) undergraduate and graduate courses with assigned class meeting days/times except those offered by the   UH  Law Center and College of Medicine.

  • Courses without an assigned class meeting day, time, and location do not have a scheduled final exam day and time.
  • Law students should check with the Law Center Office of Student Services for information regarding final exam days, times, and locations.
  • Medical students should check with the College of Medicine for information regarding final exam days, times, and locations.

Final Exam Period

Departmental Final Exams will be on Tuesday, Dec. 3, and Wednesday, Dec. 4. Final exams will be administered according to the final exam schedule from Thursday, December 3 to Monday, December 09. If given, final exams must occur on the days and times indicated on the final exam schedule. Per University policy, there will be no class meetings other than for final exam purposes after Tuesday, November 26.

Exam Conflict

Every effort is made to minimize exam conflicts in developing the final exam schedule. If students have two or more final exams scheduled during the same day and time, or more than 3 exams on the same day, the following process has been established to eliminate the conflict:

  • Students may report conflicts and request resolution beginning on Monday, October 7, 2024. The deadline to report final exam conflicts is Monday, October 14, 2024.
  • In the event of an exam conflict, students should complete the Final Exam Conflict form.
  • In resolving exam conflicts, courses with higher numbers will be given priority in retaining the originally scheduled exam day/time for students with conflicts. For example, if a student is enrolled in both ACCT 2301 and CHEM 1301, which are scheduled on the same day at the same time, the student will take the ACCT 2301 exam as indicated on the final exam schedule, and the CHEM 1301 exam will be rescheduled.
  • The Office of the University Registrar will communicate rescheduled exam days, times, and locations to students and course instructors.

Students with Disabilities


All classes in the following areas will have examinations as listed in rooms to be announced by each instructor.
Exam Day, Date, and Time

Class Tues., DEC 03 Wed., DEC 04
ACCT 2301 8–10 am
ACCT 2302 10 am–12 pm
ACCT 3366 12–2 pm
ACCT 3367 2–4 pm
ACCT 3368 4–6 pm
ARAB 1501, 1502 6–8 pm
BIOL 1306, 1307 (See Note**) 8-10 am
CHEE 2331, ECE 3331 8–10 am
CHEM 1305, 1311, 1312 10 am–12 pm
CHEM 2323, 2325 12–2 pm
CIS 4365 8–10 am
COSC 1336 10 am–12 pm
ENGI 1331 12–2 pm
ECE 3340, 3436 2–4 pm
ECE 2201, 2202, 3355, 3456 4–6 pm
FREN 1501, 1502, 2311, 2312 6–8 pm
GERM 1501, 1502, 2311, 2312 8–10 am
ITAL 1501, 1502, 2311, 2312 10 am–12 pm
MIS 3370 12–2 pm
PHYS 1301, 1302 2–4 pm
SPAN 1501, 1502, 1505, 2311, 2312 4–6 pm
***Note: Typically, BIOL 1306 is only taught in the Fall, and BIOL 1307 is only taught in the Spring.
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Day, Date, and Time
Class Time Days Wed.,
Dec 04
Dec 05
Dec 06
Dec 07
Dec 09
8–9 am MWF 8-10 am
9–10 am MWF 8 -10 am
10–11 am MWF 10 am-12 pm
11 am-Noon MWF 12-2 pm
Noon–1 pm MWF 12-2 pm
1–2 pm MWF 2-4 pm
2–3 pm MWF 2-4 pm
3–4 pm MWF 4-6 pm
4–5 pm MWF 4-6 pm
5–6 pm MWF 6-8 pm
6– 7 pm MWF 6-8 pm
1–2:30 pm MW 2-4 pm
2:30–4 pm MW 2-4 pm
4–5:30 pm MW 4-6 pm
5:30–7 pm MW 4-6 pm
8:30–10 am TTh 8-10 am
10–11:30 am TTh 10 am-12 pm
11:30 am–1 pm TTh 12-2 pm
1–2:30 pm TTh 12-2 pm
2:30–4 pm TTh
2-4 pm
4–5:30 pm TTh 4-6 pm
5:30–7 pm TTh
4-6 pm
7–8:30 pm TTh 6-8 pm
All Saturday Classes
Sat Same Time/Room
as Class Meeting

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