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Enrollment FAQ

You may have questions about topics such as Enrollment, Academics, Fee Payment and Admissions. This list of Academic Policy links and Enrollment FAQs are meant to help you find the information you need most quickly and easily as you plan your semester.

Academic Policies

Where can I get online information on important academic policies?

Provost Student Policies
Stay informed on academic policies that affect your academic progress and graduation.

Dropping Courses Policy (6 Ws)
Find out about the new policy that limits undergraduates to six (6) dropped courses.

Undergraduate Enrollment Cap
Be aware of the limit on coursework that can be taken at the in-state rate.

Repeated Course Cap (Three-peat rule)
Remember that students who attempt a course with the same content three or more times will be charged a premium tuition rate.

Undergraduate Tuition Rebate
Plan ahead to fulfill the requirements for this $1,000 rebate upon graduation: limit on courses taken, limit on time to graduate, Texas residency, etc.

Undergraduate Catalog
Contains undergraduate degree requirements, academic regulations and more.

Graduate Catalog
Contains graduate degree requirements, academic regulations and more.

Undergraduate Admissions

What do I need to do in order to apply for admission to the university?
You can apply to UH using the TX Common Application. The website is To learn more about Admissions deadlines, requirements and more, see the Admissions pages.

When is the deadline to apply?
There are different Admissions deadlines for incoming freshmen, Transfer Students, International Students, Former Students. To learn more about Admissions deadlines, requirements and more, see the deadlines page.

Where can I get a copy of my acceptance letter?
The Office of Admissions will be able to provide you with a copy of your acceptance letter.

How long does it take for the Office of Admissions to evaluate my transcript?
It usually takes the Office of Admissions 2 to 3 weeks to evaluate your transcript. Admissions will do everything they can to make sure it is evaluated as soon as possible. If you need additional information about a transcript to be evaluated for an upcoming semester, please go to the Office of Admissions in the Welcome Center.

Where do I turn in my transcripts from my high school or previous college or university?
The Office of Admissions will accept transcripts from other institutions.

What is a Texas Success Initiative (TSI) hold?
The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) program is a state requirement designed to make sure that you possess the academic skills needed to perform effectively in college level course work. More information about the TSI requirement, including allowed exemptions, the TSI Assessment, and impacts for you during Orientation and beyond, can be found at the UH TSI Information Page.

What courses are transferable from another university/community college to UH?
Please go to the Welcome Center and visit with a Transfer Counselor in the Office of Admissions or visit the Transfer Credit section of the UH website.

Adds/Drops and Enrollment

Important dates.
Check the Academic Calendar for important dates, such as when to register for classes, when to drop classes, exam periods, holidays and more.

What is the difference between dropping and withdrawing?
To drop a course means you are going to maintain some enrollment for the academic semester. Dropping all courses at the University of Houston constitutes a "withdrawal from the university."

What is the Term Withdrawal procedure at UH?

Please note: Term withdrawal means the student is dropping all courses in all sessions of the term and withdrawing from the university for the current term.

The procedure options vary depending on your student affiliation (Graduate, Undergraduate, (and or not) International). This topic is covered in detail on the Academic Forms web page.

When can I withdraw from all my courses and get a full refund?
You must complete the Term Withdrawal process prior to the first day of class to receive a 100 percent refund. Refund information is available on the Costs & Financial Aid site and the Student Business Services (Bursar) site.

I have a Negative Service Indicator (stop) preventing me from enrolling. What do I do so that I can get it removed and enroll?
Please contact the office that has put the indicator on your account.

Can I still drop my class with a Q?
No, Q drops are no longer available. Summer 2007 was the last semester. For more information about dropping courses, see the Undergraduate Catalog or Graduate Catalog.

When can I drop a course(s) and get a full refund?
You must drop a course (while maintaining enrollment) prior to the appointed Official Reporting Day (ORD) date to receive 100 percent refund on that course. Refund information is available on the Costs & Financial Aid site and the Student Business Services (Bursar) site.

How do I add courses?
Until the end of the registration period, students can add courses in myUH. Students who registered and paid by the payment due date will not be charged late fees for adding classes; any additional tuition and fees will be added to their student account.

How do I drop a course?
Until the Official Reporting Day (ORD), courses can be dropped online at myUH. Students who drop by the ORD will receive 100 percent refund for dropping course(s) while maintaining enrollment. See the Costs & Financial Aid site and the Student Business Services (Bursar) site for more refund information.

After the Official Reporting Day (ORD), students must drop a course by following these steps:

Undergraduate Students
Log in to your myUH account to drop your course online by the date listed in the UH Academic Calendar. Paper forms are no longer used to drop a class. Undergraduates who have reached their 6 Ws grade limit must complete all courses.

*Students should review the Undergraduate Enrollment Cap, Repeated Course Cap (Three-peat rule), Dropping Courses Policy (6 Ws) and Undergraduate Tuition Rebate information to avoid additional costs and penalties. Also, see information about attempted hours. Undergraduates who have exceeded their 6 Ws grades limit must complete all courses.

Graduate Students

  1. Pick up a Student Initiated Drop form from any academic department. You will need one form per course.
  2. Complete the form in its entirety and sign it. Obtain course instructor's signature.
  3. Submit the completed form to the Office of the University Registrar service desk in the Welcome Center by close of business on the Drop Due Date.
    * Students should continue to attend the class until the drop is visible in myUH.

Can international students drop below full-time status?
F1 Visa and J1 Visa students are required to maintain full-time enrollment. Students on these visas must meet with an ISSSO counselor to be approved for a reduction in course load.

Requests must be made in a timely manner and will not be considered after the last day to drop for the term has passed.

Can athletes drop below full-time status?
Student-athletes are required to maintain full-time enrollment. On the first day of a new term, UH athletes must meet with an athletic counselor to be approved for a reduction in course load. Requests must be made in a timely manner and will not be considered after the last day to drop for the term has passed.

How do I late register?
Go to myUH. You may late register until the last day of enrollment at 5 p.m. A $20 late registration fee will be assessed.


What is a Winter Mini Session class?
Winter Mini Session classes are classes that are being taught during the Winter Holiday Break.  The dates for the classes can be found in the Academic Calendar.

How do I find and enroll in Winter Mini Session classes?
The complete list of all Winter Mini Session classes can be found in the CLASS SEARCH option of your myUH self-service account. Under CLASS SEARCH CRITERIA, select your Course Career from the drop-down menu and use the ADDITIONAL SEARCH CRITERIA section to choose Mini Session from the drop-down menu.

How does the course numbering system work?

The first two digits of a course number are significant. The first indicates the scholastic level: 1000 series, freshman, 2000 series, sophomore; 3000 series, junior; 4000 and 5000 series, senior; 6000, 7000 and 8000 series, graduate. The second digit indicates the number of semester hours of credit given for the course. The number given corresponds exactly with the semester hours of credit given. For additional information regarding course numbers, contact a department or faculty adviser.

How can I view course syllabi or an instructor's curriculum vitae?
Students can visit the Course Syllabus and Curriculum Vitae Online Web page for more information.

How will I know if my classes are canceled during inclement weather?
Students are encouraged to listen to any of the television and radio outlets or to check newspapers or news bureaus for information on the status of the university during a weather emergency. The Office of Media Relations will notify these outlets throughout any weather crisis to make sure the information reaches the university community in a timely manner. Special efforts will be made to ensure that the latest information on the status of the university will be in the late television news (10 p.m.) and the early morning television and radio drive-time news (5:30 a.m.).

What time are classes dismissed?
Classes are dismissed 10 minutes prior to the last time shown in the class schedule.

I don’t understand what is meant by Six Week–First, Nine Week–First and Regular Summer Session–12 Week.
All summer session titles commonly associated with the Office of the University Registrar (i.e., Summer I, Summer II, Summer III and Summer IV) have different terminologies in the myUH system. These new terms are the same ones already used in the Class Search in myUH.

Common Terminology

Terminology in myUH
Summer Mini / May Mini Mini Session
Summer I Regular Session
Summer II Session 2
Summer III Session 3
Summer IV Session 4


How can I check my UH email?

Upon enrollment, students are assigned a UH email alias. For more information about the UH email alias and how to use, please visit the UH Information Technology web pages.

Financial Aid

Where can I get information on UH financial incentives towards graduation?

At the Undergraduate Tuition Rebate website find out the requirements for a $1,000 rebate at graduation: Texas residency, limit on courses taken, limit on time to graduate, etc.

When will my financial aid disburse (pay) to my account?
In order for your funds to disburse, you must:

  • Accept/Decline Financial Aid offers 
  • Satisfy all application and disbursement requirements listed on your myUH To Do list or via the ProVerifier+ icon located in your AccessUH
  • Meet the conditions of the award

Each semester financial aid will disburse (pay) to your student account beginning the first week of class. All scholarships and loans will begin disbursing the first day of each semester (this can be delayed if you have session courses that start in months other than August and January). All Grants will disburse after the 12th class day which is referred to as the "official reporting date" (ORD). To check if your financial aid has been disbursed, visit your Account Summary under Finances at myUH.

Once financial aid funds are disbursed to your account and all University debts are paid, UH will release any remaining funds (refund) to BMTX, Inc. All UH student refunds are then distributed with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. These funds will be sent to BMTX, Inc. within 24 hours of appearing in your account. Thereafter, refund processing times are determined by your refund preference. Visit to select your method of refund processing. 

If your financial aid is disbursed at the beginning of the semester and you reduce your number of enrolled hours within the drop/add period, your aid will be adjusted to reflect your semester registration. If your reduced enrollment results in less eligibility for aid, you will be charged for the overpayment of financial aid — creating a balance due on your UH student account. Any past due balance will prevent future registration at UH.

How do I accept my financial aid award?

Log on to myUH.

  1. Click on the Financial Aid tile.
  2. Click on View Financial Aid.
  3. Update the Aid Year, if applicable.
  4. Click on Accept/Decline Awards.
  5. Click the Edit button.
  6. Review your aid offers and use the drop-down menus to make award decisions and Submit. 

Where do I view my financial aid requirements? 
If you are selected for verification, any requested documentation will be completed using the ProVerifier+ tool found in AccessUH. Any additional requested information will be “initiated” in your myUH To-Do List and is also required to process your financial aid application.

How can I check the status of my Financial Aid? 
There are many ways to check the status of your financial aid. Your best resource is to log in to your myUH account to look for updates. You also can call the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid at 713-743-1010, option 5, email or stop by the Welcome Center and sign in to speak to a Financial Aid advisor.

How do I avoid disenrollment if I receive financial aid?

  • If you have been awarded AND have accepted your financial aid (your Account Summary screen will still show “pending financial aid”) — make sure you have paid (or selected a payment plan option) for any balance remaining that your aid does not cover.
  • If you have been awarded but have not accepted your financial aid — make sure you accept your award and pay (or select a payment plan option) for any balance remaining after your financial aid applies to your account.
  • If you have not yet been awarded your financial aid, must make adequate payment or choose a payment plan option to avoid being disenrolled.

How will I be contacted by the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid?
The Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid communicates with students via email. An email will be sent to your destination email address in myUH. You also can check the status of your financial aid on myUH or via the ProVerifier+ icon in AccessUH if you were selected for verification.

When does Financial Aid disburse?
Financial aid is scheduled to begin disbursing on the first day of class. Contact the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid for details.

Am I going to be dropped from my classes on the fee & tuition payment deadline if financial aid doesn’t disburse until after the deadline?
If you have accepted your financial aid offers, and your total aid is enough to cover your balance, you will not be disenrolled. If your aid does not cover the entire balance, then you are responsible for making payment arrangements to cover the difference before the tuition and fee  payment deadline. If you have not been offered your financial aid yet, you will receive an email once your aid offers are ready.

Where do I turn in my Hazlewood application?
All Hazlewood applications must be turned in at Welcome Center, Student Business Services Counter by 5 p.m. on the fee and tuition payment deadline.


How do I log in to myUH?
Go to myUH. Use myUH ID and password.

I can’t access my myUH account. I enter my myUH ID, and it says that it reset my password to my account, but I haven’t received that email, and it has been a couple of days.
Perhaps the email address in myUH we have for you is not accurate. The IT Help Desk in the MD Anderson Library Tech Commons can update your email address. It will process overnight. The next day when you ask the system to reset your password, it will go to your preferred email address. Or, you can email You also may call IT support at 713-743-1411.

How do I obtain my myUH ID?

  1. Visit the AccessUH login page.
  2. Click on " Don't know your CougarNet ID?" located in the middle of the page.
  3. Follow the necessary steps to obtain your myUH ID.
  4. To report problems retrieving your myUH ID, please call IT Support at 713-743-1411

Can I update my name and/or ID# in the system?
If you are a new student and not currently enrolled, you'll need to go to the Admissions Office in the Welcome Center. If you are a currently enrolled student and have not worked for the UH System, you'll need to go to the Welcome Center Office of the University Registrar counter. If you've been employed by the UH System, you'll need to contact the UH Human Resources Department. Please note that you'll be required to complete a name change form and submit supporting documentation such as marriage license, naturalization certificate, divorce decree, etc., along with a picture ID with the new name.


Detailed information about ordering transcripts can be found by clicking here.

Winter and Summer Mini Sessions

Enrollment Restrictions:

The following restrictions apply to all students enrolling for a Winter or Summer Mini Session:

  1. Students may not enroll in the Winter Mini Session if Spring is your first UH semester or the Summer Mini Session if Summer is your first UH semester. Therefore, students who are currently attending another university other than UH will NOT be eligible to take the Winter Mini Session classes.
  2. Students must be in good academic standing with a UH GPA above 2.0
  3. Enrollment is limited to one class (up to four hours). Only your Academic Advisor can grant permission for more than one Winter or Summer Mini Session class.

International students have the following additional restrictions for the Winter Mini Session:

  1. Enrollment for the Winter or Summer Mini Session cannot be the first class ever taken at UH: International students attending UH for the first time are not eligible to enroll in the Winter or Summer Mini Session.
  2. A class from the Winter or Summer Mini Session cannot be the last course needed to graduate. International students in their last semester must register for at least one class in the Regular Spring Session in addition to their Winter Mini Session enrollment.

Registration and Enrollment:

What is a Winter Mini Session class?

Winter Mini Session classes are Spring classes that are being taught during the Winter Holiday Break from the close of the Fall term until the beginning of the Spring Session 1 (regular).

What is a Summer Mini Session class?

Summer Mini Session classes are Summer classes that are being taught during the break between the close of the Spring term until the beginning of the Summer Session 1 (regular).

How do I find and enroll in Winter or Summer Mini Session classes?

Mini Session classes will be either face-to-face on campus (with some hybrid sections) or online.

The complete list of all Winter Mini Session classes can be found under SPRING in the CLASS SEARCH option of your myUH account. Under CLASS SEARCH CRITERIA, select your Course Career from the drop-down menu and use the ADDITIONAL SEARCH CRITERIA section to choose Mini Session from the drop-down menu.

The complete list of all Summer Mini Session classes can be found under SUMMER in the CLASS SEARCH option of your myUH account. Under CLASS SEARCH CRITERIA, select your Course Career from the drop-down menu and use the ADDITIONAL SEARCH CRITERIA section to choose Mini Session from the drop-down menu.

What are the class formats for the Mini Session?

Mini Session classes will be either face-to-face on campus (with some hybrid sections) or online.

Will Winter Mini Session classes meet during the holidays?

Most classes will NOT have on-campus meetings from Dec. 24, through Jan. 1. Online classes, however, may still have assignments. Please check with your instructor for more details.

How do I find the classroom for a face-to-face Mini Session class?

The classrooms for face-to-face Mini Session classes will be displayed on the "Class Notes" section of the specific class on PeopleSoft.

How many Mini Session classes can I take?

Students are allowed to register for only one course during the Mini Session (no more than four hours). Students must have special permission from their academic advisor to enroll in more than one course.

Can I take a Mini Session course if I'm not a UH student?

No, only currently enrolled UH students are allowed to take Mini Session courses.

Can international students enroll in the Mini Session?

International students can enroll in a Mini Session class under the following conditions:

  1. Enrollment for the Mini Session cannot be the first class ever taken at UH: International students attending UH for the first time are not eligible to enroll in the Mini Session.
  2. A class from the Mini Session cannot be the last course needed to graduate. International students in their last semester must register for at least one class in the Regular Spring Session in addition to their Winter Mini Session enrollment.

When can I enroll in the Mini Session?

Students can enroll in Winter Mini Session and/or Spring classes through the  myUH self-service account during the dates listed on your myUH enrollment appointment schedule. Open registration will be listed when announced.

Students can enroll in Summer Mini Session and/or Summer classes through the  myUH self-service account during the dates listed on your myUH enrollment appointment schedule. Open registration will be listed when announced.

Please view the Enrollment Schedule for specific classification enrollment schedules.

When is the last day to add a Mini Session class?

Please refer to the Academic Calendar for the last day to add, The dates are listed session-specific.

Do the undergraduate policies (e.g., 6 W Rule, Enrollment Cap, etc.) apply for classes taken during the Mini Session?


When are the drop dates for the Mini Session classes?

Please refer to the Academic Calendar for the last day to drop a class, The dates are listed session-specific.

How do I drop a face-to-face Mini Session class?

Undergraduate Students:

Log into your  myUH account to drop your course online.

  • To drop without a grade must be done by the last day to drop or withdraw without receiving a grade, specifically noted on the academic calendar.
  • To drop with a ‘W’ students must process the drop by  Last day to drop a course or withdraw with a ‘W’, specifically noted on the academic calendar.

Please Note: Undergraduates who have reached their 6 W grades limit must complete all classes.

Graduate Students:

Graduate Students must complete a drop form.

  1. Pick up a Student Initiated Drop form from any academic department or online form the Graduate School website. A separate form is required for each course to be dropped.
  2. Complete the form in its entirety and sign it. Obtain course instructor's signature.
  3. Submit the completed form to the Office of the University Registrar service desk in the Welcome Center by 5:00 p.m. close of business on the drop due date.

* Students should continue to attend the class until the drop is visible in your myUH self-service account.

How do I drop an online Mini Session class?

Undergraduate Students:

To drop an online class, follow the same drop procedure for a face-to-face class.

Log into your myUH account to drop your course online.

  • To drop without a grade must be done by the last day to drop or withdraw without receiving a grade, specifically noted on the academic calendar.
  • To drop with a ‘W’ students must process the drop by the last day to drop a course or withdraw with a ‘W’, specifically noted on the academic calendar.

Please Note: Undergraduates who have reached their 6 W grades limit must complete all classes.

Graduate Students:

  1. Students should email their instructors with the request to drop, and copy the Office of Educational Outreach at The request must include the student's name, PeopleSoft number, the class name, class number and the instructor's name.
  2. Instructors should "Reply All" with their acknowledgment of the drop.
  3. Drop forms will be completed by the Office of Educational Outreach and submitted to the Office of University Registrar.
  • To drop without a grade must be done by the last day to drop or withdraw without receiving a grade, specifically noted on the academic calendar.
  • To drop with a ‘W,’ students must process the drop by the last day to drop a course or withdraw with a ‘W’, specifically noted on the academic calendar.

Please Note: Requests and Acknowledgements MUST be received by the Office of Educational Outreach by 5:00 p.m. on the drop date. NO LATE DROPS WILL BE PROCESSED.

Costs and Financial Aid:

What can I expect to pay in tuition and fees if I enroll in one Mini Session undergraduate class?

Mini Sessions classes cost the same as comparable classes during the regular fall, spring and summer terms; however, please note that college and course fees vary.

There will be an additional charge for Student Insurance for the Mini Session.

For more information, please visit the Office of Student Business Services or call 713-743-1010.

What are required fees and how are they handled for the Mini Session?

Required fees for the Mini Session are assessed with the first enrollment in the session and are in addition to the cost of tuition.

For more information about tuition and fees, please visit

Students registered in a Mini Session course and a regular term class will pay required fees for the regular term. Students registered only in a Mini Session class also will pay the required fees for the regular term.

Why are my Winter Mini Session tuition and fees being put on my Spring fee bill?

Winter Mini Session courses are officially considered part of the Spring term. Therefore, Winter Mini Session class tuition and fees will be posted on the Spring term fee bill.

What is the refund policy regarding withdrawing from Mini Session classes?

Withdrawal means dropping all enrolled courses in a single semester.

For example, a student who enrolls in a Winter Mini Session class and a Spring class is enrolled for one single semester ( Spring ).

For more information about refunds, please visit

What is the refund policy regarding dropping from Mini Session classes?

Students who drop one or more courses but maintain enrollment for that academic semester may be given a refund for the dropped course(s).

For example, a student who enrolls in a Winter Mini Session class and a spring class is enrolled for one academic semester ( Spring ). If the student drops a Winter Mini Session class and maintains enrollment in the Spring term, the student has not withdrawn from all courses in the term.

Students should use the following calendar to determine refunds when dropping:

For more information about refunds, please visit

When do I need to pay my Mini Session tuition and fees?

Students will need to pay by the due date posted in your  myUH self-service account.

What about financial aid for the Mini Session?

Financial aid for Winter Mini Session classes will be included with your Spring distributions and will be disbursed on or after the first day of the Spring term. Students will not be dropped from the Winter Mini Session if their accepted financial aid for the Spring term is enough to cover their tuition and fees.

Is health insurance included in the Mini Session plan?

Health insurance for Mini Session is additional to the Fall and Spring health insurance.

Student Support

When will Canvas be available for students?

For classes that are using Canvas, it will be available for students by the first day of class.

Who do I contact for Canvas login problems or other IT issues?

For problems with Canvas or other IT issues, please visit or, call 713-743-1411 or email

When can I see my grades for the Mini Session?

Students should be able to see their grades beginning at the close of the mini session, as specifically noted on the academic calendar.

How will the classes taken during the Mini Session be posted on my transcript?

Winter Mini Session grades will be posted under Spring term.

Summer Mini Session grades will be posted under Summer term.

How can I get books for my Mini Session classes?

The UH Bookstore will have books for Winter Mini Session courses available at the same time as books for the Spring term.

The UH Bookstore will have books for Summer Mini Session courses available at the same time as books for the Summer term.


How late does the Welcome Center stay open?
The Welcome Center website maintains the most up-to-date information regarding hours.

May I drop my health insurance?
Contact the Health Center at 713-743-5151. International students will need to show proof they have another form of health insurance.

What types of services does Information Technology Service Center provide?
Computer accounts; Password resets, email, IT Training, Software sales, Free software downloads, wireless network connection, classroom equipment, desktop support and Web publishing.