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Early and High Gothic

Ac 1150 - 1325

Russell, Douglas Costume History and Style; chapter 8, pp. 124-138


Aglet, aidlet, point, or poynt: A metal tag or point used to fasten pieces of plate armor or various parts of other garments like sleeves, hose, and paltock.

Aumoniere: A small bag carried in the Middle Ages by men and women.  Originally of fabric or leather with a draw string, it hung from the belt or girdle and was treated as a hanging pocket.  Finally during the Renaissance when pockets were added to garments, it gradually disappeared, although it continued for women and eventually became the purse or reticule.

Button: A solid, dome-shaped top, with an eye at the base, used as trimming at the beginning of the Middle Ages; used as a fastening with buttonholes from the middle of the thirteenth century on.

Castellated, dagged, or foliated: Deep-cut scallops at the hem or other edges of a garment shaped in triangles, half-circles, squares, or leaflike foliations.


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