ECON 4398-10IND 15162 Special Problems (Independent Study) Technology and Development in China

Students who take my Asian Development course may also take my Economics 4398 - Special Problems in Asian Development in which they will add Science and Civilisation in China: Volume 7, The Social Background; Part 1, Language and Logic in Traditional China by Joseph Needham and Christoph Harbsmeier (Cambridge University Press) to their reading for Econ 3355 and do a combined paper of 40+ pages for the two course together (Econ 3355 and Econ 4398). Basically, the student will do the same work as for the three hour graduate course but get six undergraduate hours of credit. Obviously, this course is restricted to those taking my Asian Development class. See syllabus for Economics 3355 Summer 2009 for details.

Thomas R. DeGregori, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics
University of Houston

Department of Economics
204 McElhinney Hall
Houston, Texas 77204-5019
Ph. 001 - 1 - 713 743-3838
Fax 001 - 1 - 713 743-3798
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