
University of Houston Department of Economics

IPUMS: One of the best resources for demographic data, including micro-level Census and CPS

NBER: Latest working papers in economics research

ICPSR: An extensive collection of data from a myriad of sources and topics

UCLA Stata Help Documents/Links: A site to help you get started with Stata

Stata ListServ: Join Stata listserv to ask any technical questions dealing with Stata; very fast response time

Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications (Cameron & Trivedi): A great, hands-on textbook for any empirical microeconomist; here is an accompanying Stata guide that is just as helpful (Microeconometrics Using Stata, Revised Edition)

LaTeX on Mac: TeX User Group for Mac users

Stata on a Mac: Blog for Stata users on a Mac

Dropbox: An essential tool for file sharing with co-authors or across multiple computers


Sites with Economic Content

The Economist

New York Times: One of my favorite places to find research topics

New York Times Economix Blog: Great discussion of every day economics Good resources for graduate students in economics

PhDComics: Funny and poignant observations on the life of graduate students