Geek to Me

Its All Geek To Me

Sources of Software

There is an abundance of freeware and shareware available on the Internet. Wherever possible, links to the producers of software you need to obtain are provided. If such a reference is not available, a link to a "distribution center" or archive is provided. Please respect the conditions that the distributors place on each product.

Applications for the pc can be obtained from the Microlib Software Archives at the University of Texas at Austin.

Many of the distributors of freeware and shareware also offer other products that you may decide to purchase. Pretty smart of these distributors. Everyone Wins.

National Geographic has links to the applications that readers of its online publication would need to have.

Are these all of the applications that you will ever need? Not really. But they will get you started with those things that you need and that your students may need.

  1. Internet Browsers
  2. Communication Packages
  3. File Preparation (HTML and other applications)
  4. Graphics Applications for manipulating images
  5. File Compression Utilities
  6. Sound

Internet Browsers

File Preparation



File Compression/Decompression Utilities


March, 1997

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