Project I
Physical Geology

Semester Project

One of the goals of the course is for you to learn about how the Earth works and another is to learn how scientists work. The semester project gives you a chance to exhibit how you have progressed in both areas.

The setting of the project is as follows. You are an investigative reporter for the Cascading Times, a large daily newspaper published somewhere in the vicinity of the Cascade Mountains. There are growing concerns among the residents about the potential for continuing earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and related geologic phenomena in the area.

The new Cascades Convention Center is being designed and there is a worry that planners will not want to hold their conventions in an area that is viewed as unsafe and unstable. Your assignment is to write an investigative analysis in which you:

  1. describe the general geologic setting of the Cascades,

  2. review the causes of earthquakes and volcanic activity in general and in the Cascades in particular,

  3. comment on the probability that these two phenomena are related,

  4. provide a rational analysis of the probability of a magnitude 4.5 earthquake in the area,

  5. comment on the probability that another eruption will take place in the future,

  6. and provide advice as to what the residents should do in case of another eruption or episode of volcanic eruption.

Make good use the the information you have learned in the course. Include at least one illustration (cut and paste) to illustrate a significant point of your article.

The article should be no longer than 2,000 words and I would appreciate it if you would submit a typed copy. Use all the word processing skills that you have developed.

Several exercises have been designed to help you get started.

  1. Part 1 : Distribution of Active Volcanoes

  2. Part 2 : Earthquakes - An Introduction

    Each part will constitute an appendix in your report and each will be worth up to 15 points. The written portion will be worth up to 45 points for a total of 75 points for the project.

    I would start by reading through parts 1 and 2. You will be involved in data gathering throughout the semester and can get started right away even though we will not cover the material until later on. It is your responsibility to keep current on the project and not let if go until the end of the semester.

    There is no way I can make sure that you are involved in data gathering on a regular basis throughout the semester. However, you should realize that some of the Internet resouces update their pages on a regular basis and "throw away" previously published information. If you wait until the end of the semester you may find that the data are not easy to locate!

    The Layered Earth is a University of Montana exercise that may help you get some ideas on how to proceed.