Project I


Physical Geology

Exercise 3 : Geography Review

Throughout the course you will read about many different places on the Earth and it is imperative that you know where they are. Print a copy of this World Map. If you set your printer to print in the "landscape" mode (turned on its side) it will fit on a sheet of paper. You should know where the major plates are located and the mountains and other features shown on this map. In addition, locate the following using the reference numbers and submit on the date due listed on the readling list.

  1. Gulf of Mexico
  2. North America
  3. South America
  4. New Zealand
  5. Australia
  6. the Applachian Mountains
  7. Himalayan Mountains
  8. Alps
  9. the Andes Mountains
  10. the Caledonian Mountains
  11. the Peru-Chile Trench
  12. Greenland
  13. Iceland
  14. the Arctic Ocean
  15. the Antarctic Ocean
  16. the Ural Mountains
  17. Mediterranean Sea
  18. Black Sea
  19. Caspian Sea
  20. Hawaiian Islands

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