Multiple Choice Questions for Crustal Deformation - Chapter 15

Each chapter will include a few questions designed to test your knowledge of material covered in the chapter and in the Internet-based resources. Your answers are not being recorded. Try the following.

  1. The dip of a unit represents the ___________ .

    direction of intersection of the rock layer an a horizontal surface
    part of the unit which has been eroded
    angle at which the bed inclines from the horizontal
    tilt of the rock unit before deformation

  2. If you are flying in an airplane and you look down at the landscape, you are seeing a ___________ view of the Earth.


  3. If look at a vertical face of a cliff or a roadcut, you are seeing a ___________ view of the Earth.


  4. Which of the following types of tectonic forces tends to push two sides of a body in opposite directions so that they slide horizontally past one another?

    tensional forces
    shearing forces
    compressive forces
    none of these

  5. What type of forces dominate at divergent plate margins?

    tensional forces
    shearing forces
    compressive forces
    none of these

  6. What type of forces dominate at convergent plate margins?

    tensional forces
    shearing forces
    compressive forces
    none of these

  7. The angle at which a sedimentary bed is inclined from the horizontal is called the _____.


  8. Which of the following is not a tectonic force responsible for folding or faulting rocks?

    compressive force
    tensional force
    shear force
    all of these are tectonic forces

  9. The two sides of a fold are called its ________ .

    axial planes

  10. At convergent plate boundaries one would expect to find _______.

    folds and faults
    neither folds or faults

  11. At divergent plate boundaries one would expect to find _______.

    folds and faults
    neither folds or faults

  12. At transform plate boundaries one would expect to find _______.

    folds and faults
    neither folds or faults

  13. Which of the following statements about rock deformation is false?

    deep crustal rocks are more likely to deform ductily than shallow crustal rocks
    hotter rocks are more likely to deform ductily than cooler rocks
    most sedimentary rocks are more deformable than igneous rocks
    rocks under low confining pressure are more likely to deform ductily than rocks under high confining pressure

  14. The biggest difference between rock deformation experiments conducted in a laboratory and rock deformation that occurs naturally is that _______.

    the temperatures are much lower in laboratory experiments than in nature
    the pressures are much lower in laboratory experiments than in nature
    the time of deformation is much shorter in laboratory experiments than in nature
    real rocks are not used in laboratory experiments as they are in nature

  15. Laboratory experiments indicate that ________.

    most igneous rocks are more deformable than most sedimentary rocks
    most igneous rocks are less deformable than most sedimentary rocks
    basement rocks are more ductile than young sediments
    young sediments are very brittle and not easily deformed

  16. An overturned fold is characterized by ___________ .

    two limbs at right angles to one another
    two limbs dipping in the same direction - with one tilted beyond vertical
    two limbs dipping in opposite directions
    two limbs not parallel to each other

  17. What types of tectonic forces cause faulting?

    compressive forces
    tensional forces
    shearing forces
    all of these

  18. Which of the following is an example of a fault where the motion is primarily horizontal?

    a strike slip fault
    a right-lateral fault
    a transform fault
    all of these

  19. What types of faults are associated with shearing forces?

    normal faults
    reverse faults
    all of these

  20. What type of fault is characterized by the rocks above the fault plane moving downward relative to the rocks below the fault plane?

    normal faults
    reverse faults
    all of these

  21. How many angular measurements does it take to describe the orientation of fault surface?


  22. A sample of marble has deformed as a brittle substance during a laboratory experiment. If we wish our next sample of marble to deform plastically rather than as a brittle substance, we should conduct our next experiment at _________.

    lower temperatures and lower confining pressures
    lower temperatures and higher confining pressures
    higher temperatures and lower confining pressures
    higher temperatures and higher confining pressures

  23. Which of the following conditions would favor folding rather than faulting?

    low temperatures and low confining pressures
    low temperatures and high confining pressures
    high temperatures and low confining pressures
    high temperatures and high confining pressures

  24. Which factor does not affect whether folding is severe or gentle

    the magnitude of the applied forces
    length of time the force was applied
    age of the rock units
    the ability of the rocks to resist deformation

  25. Upfolds or arches of layered rock are called:


  26. Downfolds or basins of layered rock are called:


  27. A broad circular or oval upward bulge of rock layers is called a(n) _____


  28. If the sedimentary rocks on a geologic map form a zigzag pattern, the underlying structure probably consists of _________.

    horizontal anticlines and synclines
    plunging anticlines and synclines
    domes and basin
    strike slip faults

  29. The structure shown above is a(n) ________.


  30. The structure shown above is a(n) ________.

    horizontal and symmetric
    horizontal and asymmetric
    plunging and symmetric
    plunging and asymmetric

  31. What type of fault is characterized by the rocks above the fault plane moving upward relative to the rocks below the fault plane?

    strike slip
    all of these

  32. A fault plane strikes north-south and dips steeply to the west. Geologic observations indicate that most of the fault movement was vertical and that Mesozoic rocks occur east of the fault and Paleozoic rocks occur west of the fault. What type of fault is this?

    a right lateral strike slip
    all of these

  33. What type of fault is characterized by movement both along strike and along dip?

    strike slip

  34. An oblique-slip fault suggests _______

    tensional forces only
    compressive forces only
    shear forces only
    shear forces combined with compressive or tensional forces

  35. Strike-slip faults ________.

    have primarily horizontal movement
    have primarily vertical movement
    have no appreciable displacement
    are low angle reverse faults

  36. Which two measurements describe the orientation of a fault plane at a given location?

    axis and plane
    strike and dip
    lateral and thrust
    trend and plunge

  37. Dip-slip faults are associated with ________ forces.

    tensional and compressive

  38. What type of fault is a thrust fault?

    low-angle normal fault
    low-angle reverse fault
    high-angle reverse fault
    low-angle strike-slip fault

  39. Overthrusts are caused by large-scale _______ forces.

    shear combined with tensional and compressive

  40. Which of the following features is formed in a region affected by tensional tectonic forces?

    an anticline
    a thrust fault
    a strike-slip fault
    a rift valley

  41. The Red Sea is an example of a(n) _________.

    strike-slip fault basin
    rift valley
    horst block mountain

    In the geologic map below, units A, B, and C are sedimentary rocks; unit A is the oldest and unit C is the youngest. The sedimentary rocks are cut by a fault, indicated by the dark line, that dips 60 degrees to the northwest.

  42. What type of structure is shown on the map?

    a faulted syncline
    a faulted anticline
    a folded strike-slip fault
    the structure cannot be determined from the information given

  43. Which way do the sedimentary layers dip - assuming the structure is not overturned?

    toward the east
    toward the west
    toward the center of the map
    east and west

  44. What type of fault is depicted on the geologic map?

    a normal fault
    a reverse fault
    a right-lateral fault
    a left-lateral fault

  45. Why is unit A wider north of the fault than it is south of the fault?

    deeper levels of the structure are exposed on the north side of the fault
    faulting has thinned unit A south of the fault.
    unit A had a variable thickness prior to faulting
    erosion has removed most of unit A south of the fault.

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