How to Use This Website


You will want to install the WebLogic font on your computer so that you can view logic symbols correctly. 

Follow this link to get the instructions on installing the font.

The Course Content page contains the basic course information.  Here are tips for using that page.  It contains 7 sections one for each Quiz.  Each section contains three vertical columns containing the following items.

  • Lectures:  PowerPoint lectures with sound covering all topics in the course

In this column, there are links for topics in each chapter of the book.  When you click one, you should see PowerPoint slides and hear sound explaining what you are seeing.  If you do not hear sound, check that your computer's speakers are on, and that the sound setting on is full volume.  Also it sometimes takes some time for the sound to download using a modem, so you may need to be patient.  Finally you might want to get an inexpensive set of headphones if the sound is weak.  In case you want to use computers in computer labs, you will need headphones. 

To be able to view the lectures, you will need to have PowerPoint. If you do not own PowerPoint, a free PowerPoint Viewer is available.  Instructions on how to download and install a version of PowerPoint Viewer for your operating system can be found at Microsoft's website. Copies of PowerPoint, along with the entire Office Suite, can also be purchased for $21 from CougarByte.

  • Self Tests:  Interactive exercises to test your understanding

In this column, there are two kinds of self tests.  Most ask standard true/false questions.  Click in the box to the left of an item to indicate your selection.  Use the buttons with => and <= in them to move from one question to another.  Watch for the text informing you of the percentage of your performance. 

For Self Tests with names of the form: Exercise ##, the format is different.  You are asked to show your understanding of proof construction by inserting the correct line into a proof that is underway.  IF THESE EXERCISES DO NOT SEEM TO WORK, your browser may need to be updated with a Flash player.  Follow this link for instructions on how to do this.

  • Study Guides:  A summary of the material for each section with a sample quiz

This column contains information useful in studying for the quiz.  A list of crucial concepts heads the column.  When you hold your cursor over these vocabulary words, a short definition will appear.  When you click on them you will go to a lecture that covers this topic.