Apple ][ Experience

1978 - present Apple ][ with integer basic in ROM and 16K of RAM
cassette tape interface for program storage

Wrote many integer basic programs for home business and games. Used cassette tapes for program storage.

Hardware added in 1979:
Interface card for 300 baud modem. Built it in kit form and wrote the software in 6502 assembler.
Interface card for programming EPROMs. Allowed the programming of 1K EPROMs so that I could put many of my utility subprograms in ROM.

Wrote the terminal software that I needed to use the modem card to dialin to the University's computers. Also wrote the software necessary to program the EPROMs.

Hardware added in 1980:
Interface card that holds 6 1K EPROMs. Built from kit.
32K of RAM to bring the total memory up to 48K.

Programmed 2 EPROMS with utility subroutines. One was the terminal program and the other was the EPROM writing routines along with a memory dump that included the ASCII interpretation.

Hardware added in 1981:
Another interface card to hold 6 1K EPROMs

Wrote the AppleSoft BASIC (a full floating point basic) into EPROMs and put them on the interface card.

Hardware added in 1982:
Floppy disk drive

Hardware added in 1984:
Language interface card with 16K of RAM on board

The Language card allowed for switching between the two basic systems (integer and AppleSoft) seamlessly. Wrote many utility programs for doing floppy disk related things like copy,dumping in many different formats (hex,alpha,catalog). It also included a patching facility.

Also wrote a home grow language system call SPL (Simple Programming Language) that was interpretive like BASIC, put was structured like C i. e. no line numbers. Also ported small C for the 6502.

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