Exam 2 Review Page

I Literature you are expected to be familiar with:

Assigned selections from the Iliad, Aeschylus' Agamemnon, Euripides' Iphigeneia at Aulis, selections from Greek tragedy on class handout, Virgil's Aeneid book 2

II Art you are expected to be familiar with:

Parthenon (including the mythological subjects depicted on the metopes, pediments, and interior freeze)

The monumental pieces described on class handout (Bronze Trojan horse on Athenian acropolis, Cnidian meeting hall at Delphi, Painted Stoa in Athens)

Any image that is on a class handout or in the Woodford book (if we discussed it in class)

Any image discussed in class from this website

The Mykonos pithos (showing wooden horse and fall of Troy)

Other vase paintings

Helen's seduction and return

The taking of Briseis, described here

Louvre G152 Briseis and Phoinix; Fall of Troy

Louvre taking of Briseis; embassy to Achilles

The dragging of Hektor

Achilles kills Memnon

The Fall of Troy by the Altamura Painter

The Sacrifice of Polyxena (See also this page.)

The Death of Agamemnon; the death of Aegisthus

III Lecture topics/arguments

Significance of Trojan War myth in (primarily Athenian) art, especially scenes of the fall of Troy

The major themes and the structure of the Iliad

The significance of the sacrifice of Iphigeneia in the Agamemnon of Aeschylus

Interpretation of Euripides' Iphigeneia at Aulis: patriotic? pacifist/antiwar? misogynist? feminist? none of these? Plus, be sure to know how play fits into its immediate historical context of the Peloponnesian War.

Relationships/overlap between art, myth, literature about the Trojan War




Casey Dué Hackney
University of Houston