Plato's Life and Context

The Classical Greek Philosophers

  • Socrates: 469 - 399 B.C.E.
  • Plato: 427 - 347 B.C.E.
  • Aristotle: 384 - 323/2 B.C.E.

    Sources of Information on the Historical Socrates (besides Plato):

  • Xenophon ?430 - 354: Apology, Memorabilia, Symposium, Economicus
  • Aristophanes 445-385 The Clouds, 423 B.C.E.
  • Aristotle: See Metaphysics 987B1-6, 1086a37-b5

    Key Events in Plato's Lifetime

    Periods of Plato's Dialogues*

    Early: short, focused on ethical virtues, negative, Socrates has no knowledge

    Middle: longer, Forms introduced and used, unity of virtues, anti-akrasia (weakness of will)

    Late ("Academic"): analytic, abstract, un-conversational, knotty, difficult

    *Note: The dating of Plato's works is controversial. This is one conjecture which has some support, but not the only possible one.

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