Logistics - University of Houston
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Although each campus is unique, there are certain logistical issues that should be considered prior to the implementation of IMAGE at any college or university.


Professional staff who complete training with the Facilitator Guide will be more than qualified to facilitate IMAGE sessions. It is helpful if they have a basic knowledge of alcohol, as well as an ability to present to and connect well with students. Additionally, staff with personalities which align with the principles of Motivational Interviewing will be easier to train.  Graduate students can also successfully deliver the IMAGE program, and tend to reach students differently than staff given that they are most often closer in age. Use caution if training peer educators (i.e. undergraduate students) because the age-similarity can make the processing aspect of the feedback component difficult. It is important to maintain quality control while implementing IMAGE so that all facilitators present the session in the same way; random observation of sessions can address that issue.


Although IMAGE can be facilitated by the use of Audience Response System technology (“clickers”), it is not necessary to possess this equipment in order to implement the program. In fact, IMAGE effectiveness results have been consistent across sessions which utilized ARS and those that did not.  However, it is important to provide a visual representation during the feedback component in either case. This can be accomplished with a printed-out graphic, a PowerPoint projection, a chart, or a physical representation (such as root beer bottles).  For more detail, refer to the Session Components discussion.


When scheduling IMAGE sessions it is important to secure an environment which is private in order to maintain confidentiality for the student cohort; thus, common areas or milieu spaces are not good choices in terms of location. However, one of the strengths of the program is that it can be facilitated in a number of settings across campus, and does not necessarily need to be limited to one site.  In fact, students tend to respond better when the session “comes to them”. IMAGE sessions have been successfully implemented in residence halls, locker-rooms, classrooms, and practice fields all with positive results.


Another strength of IMAGE is that the program can administered with little to no expense, aside from the time required of staff. As mentioned before, incentives are helpful but are not required for program success, and the purchasing of ARS technology is optional as well. There are minimal costs associated with copying surveys, but time is by far the most significant investment to ensure program success.