TNA SP 12/1, 10, 3. 1558 Nov 19: Inventory, Cardinal Pole, wardrobe

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TNA SP 12/1 No 10, III ff. 30-32

[Transcribed by Helen Good]

[f.30v.] Inventorie of my Lord Cardinalls wardropp

[f.31] An inventory of the wardrobe

First ij pontifical gownes of Chamlet thone redd and thother purple

Item ij pontifical clokes of clothe thone red and thother purple

Item ij pontifical cloke bagges with my lordes

armes thone red and thother purple cloth

Item ij pontifical clothes for the mule of purple

Item ij other like clothes for the mule of redd in the keeping of the foteman

Item ij fote clothes for the horse one red and thother purple

Item a fote clothe black for the mule

Item iiij males of clothe iij of them purple and one redd

Item a pavilion of white clothe with p’cheme’t of gold

Item a pavilion of fine clothe

Item a pavilion of fine clothe and a toppe of red silk

Item a pavilion of clothe with one turneler

Item ij coveringes of clothe for bedds lyned with white clothes

Item a covering of grene silke

Item a carpet of silk of nedlework

Item a carpet of velvet purple

Item iij table clothes of redd

Item a pavilyon of silk taffata purple with a turnet

Item the courtens for a bed of crymson

Damask with the frendes and p’chme’t gold

[f.31v.] Item the courteins of a bed of tawny Damaske

a gowne of purple taffata

ij coveringes for a bad of wreyd silk

a portmantewe of lether red

iij courteyns for a bed of red clothe

vj red valentein coveringes

one covering of fustian with [s. . .] downe

one red clothe to set upon a mattres for my lordes bed

iij yardes of red clothe for a covering

xj yardes of red clothe remenaunt for lyvereys

one grey [. . . . ]

ij pontifical hattes of red

iij hattes of [. . ss. . felt]

ij furnymetes for a mule one of red thother of purple gilt

ij gilt Stroppes

ij paire of gilt spurres

ij gilt bosses for a mule iiij pontifical staves

ij ha’mers gilt

one red table clothe

vij pecs of white canvas

v peces of Damask work for napkins

ij peces of Diaper for napkins

iij peces of canvas for napkins

a pece of canvas course

ix peces of course canvas

[f.32v.] Inventorie of the Wardropp