TNA SP12/1, 7 1558 Memorandum, Queen’s words to Cecil and the Lords

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TNA SP 12/1, 7 f.12

[Transcribed by Helen Good)]

[f.12] Wordes spoken by her Majestie to Mr Cicille

I give yow this Chardge that yow shalbee of my privy Counsell and content yourself to take paynes for me and my Realme, This Judgement I have of yow that yow will not be Corrupted with any manner of guift, and that yow will be faithfull to the state, and that without respect of my pryvate will yow will give me that Counsaill that yow thinke best, And if yow shall knowe any thinge necessarye to bee declared to me of secresye, yow shall show it to my self only and assure your self I will not fayle to keepe taciturnitye therin, and therfore herewith I Chardge yow.

wordes spoken by the Queene to the Lordes

My Lordes the lawe of nature moveth mee to sorrowe for my Sister, the burthen that is fallen upon me maketh me amazed, And yet Consideringe I am Godes Creature ordeyned to obey his appoyntment I will therto yelde, desiringe from the bottome of my harte that I may have assistance of his grace to bee the minister of heavenly will in this office nowe Commytted to me. And as I am but one bodye naturallye Considered though by his permission a bodye politique to governe; so I shall desyre yow all my Lordes (Cheiflye yow of the nobilyty every one in his degree and power) to bee assistant to me, that I with my Rulinge and yow with your service may make a good accoumpt to Almighty God, and Leave some Comforte to our posteritye in earth, I meane to direct all my accions by good advise and counseill, And therfore Consideringe that diverse of yow bee of the aintient Nobility, having your beginninges and estates of my progenitors Kinges of this Realme, and therby ought in honour to have the more naturall care for maynteining of my estate and this Common wealth, Some others have been of Long experience in governaunce and enhabled by my father of Noble memorye, my Brother and my Late Sister to beare Office, the Rest of yow beeing uppon speciall trust Lately Called to her service only and trust for your service Considered and Rewarded, my meaning is to Require of yow all nothing more but faithfull hartes in such service as from tyme to tyme shalbee in your powers towardes the preservacion of me and this Common Wealth And for Counseill and advise I shall accepte yow of my Nobility and such others of yow the Rest as in Consultatioltacion I shall thinke meete and shortly appoynt, To the which also with their advise I will Joyne to their ayde and for ease of their Burthen others meet for my service, And they which I shall not appoynt Let them not thinke the same for any disabilitye in them, But for that I doe Consider a multitude doth make Rather discorde and Confusion then good Counseill, And of my good will yow shall not doubte using yourselves as apperteyneth to good and Loving subjectes.

[f.12v.] Quene Elizabeth spetch to her secretary and other her Lordes befor her coronation.