STAC P names

From Waalt

The name used is the surname of the first plaintiff, Welsh style names are (for the present) grouped together under the initial letter used in the TNA catalogue - STAC Welsh names P

Pac - STAC Pack - STAC Packington - Pad - STAC Padley - Pag - STAC Page - STAC Pagett - STAC Pagrave

Pai - STAC Paice - STAC Painters - Pak - STAC Pakeman

Pal - STAC Palen - STAC Palin - STAC Pallashowe - STAC Palmer - STAC Palmes

Pan - STAC Pannel

Par - STAC Paramour - Pard - STAC Pardy - Parg - STAC Pargiter - STAC Pargwyn

Pari - STAC Parish - Park - STAC Parker - STAC Parkes - STAC Parkins - STAC Parkinson

Parl - STAC Parlebey - STAC Parlett - Parm - STAC Parman - STAC Parmenter - STAC Parmiter

Parn - STAC Parnell - Parr - STAC Parr - STAC Parris - STAC Parry

Pars - STAC Parsemere - STAC Parsons

Part - STAC Partington - STAC Partlett - STAC Partridge - Parv - STAC Parvis

Pas - STAC Paschall - STAC Pascow - STAC Paslowe - STAC Passemere - STAC Passfield - STAC Passion - STAC Paston

Pat - STAC Patchett - STAC Pate - STAC Pateshall - STAC Patrick - STAC Patrickson - STAC Patten - STAC Pattenden - STAC Pattenson - STAC Pattinson

Pau - STAC Paule - STAC Paulett - Pav - STAC Paver - STAC Paviott

Paw - STAC Pawle - STAC Pawley - STAC Pawling - STAC Pawlyn - STAC Pawn - STAC Pawson

Pay - STAC Paye - STAC Payne

Peac - STAC Peace - STAC Peachy - STAC Peacock - Pead - STAC Peade

Peag - STAC Peagrem - Peak - STAC Peake - Peal - STAC Peale

Pear - STAC Pearce - STAC Pearle - STAC Pearman - STAC Pearne - STAC Pearpoint - STAC Pearse - STAC Pearson - STAC Pearte -

Pec - STAC Peck - STAC Peckett - Ped - STAC Peddar - Pee - STAC Pees

Pei - STAC Peighen - STAC Peirsby

Pel - STAC Pelham - STAC Pell - STAC Pelland - STAC Pelley

Pem - STAC Pemberton - STAC Pembridge - STAC Pembroke

Penc - STAC Pencot

Pend - STAC Pender - STAC Pendlebury - STAC Pendleton - STAC Pendreth - STAC Pendry

Penf - STAC Penfound - Peni - STAC Peniston - Penk - STAC Penkevell

Penn - STAC Pennant - STAC Pennare - STAC Penne - STAC Penning - STAC Pennington - STAC Penny - STAC Pennyman

Penr - STAC Penrice - STAC Penridge - STAC Penrose - STAC Penruddock - STAC Penry

Pens - STAC Penson

Pep - STAC Peperell - STAC Peplow - STAC Pepper - STAC Peppet - STAC Pepwell - STAC Pepys

Perc - STAC Perce - STAC Percival - STAC Percy

Peri - STAC Perient - STAC Perin - Perl - STAC Perle - Perm - STAC Permefoy

Perr - STAC Perrott - STAC Perry - STAC Perryman

Pers - STAC Persall - STAC Persehouse - Pery - STAC Peryam

Pes - STAC Pescod - STAC Pesnall

Pet - STAC Peter - STAC Petersfield - STAC Peterson - STAC Petit - STAC Pett - STAC Pettifer - STAC Pettus - STAC Petty

Pev - STAC Peverell - Pew - STAC Pewe - STAC Pewney - STAC Pewton

Pex - STAC Pexall - Pey - STAC Peye - STAC Peyto - STAC Peyton

Ph - STAC Phelpes - STAC Philips - STAC Phillipson - STAC Philpott

Pi see also Py

Pic - STAC Pick - STAC Pickering - STAC Pickhaver - STAC Pickmere - STAC Picktoe

Pid - STAC Piddy - Pie - STAC Pierce - STAC Piers - STAC Pierson

Pig - STAC Pigen - STAC Pigeon - STAC Pigott - Pik - STAC Pike

Pil - STAC Pilborough - STAC Pile - STAC Pilesbury - STAC Pilesworth - STAC Pilfold - STAC Pilford - STAC Pilkington - STAC Pill

Pin - STAC Pinchbeck - STAC Pinchin - STAC Pinder - STAC Pine - STAC Pinge - STAC Pingelly - STAC Pingster - STAC Pink - STAC Pinker - STAC Pinkney - STAC Pinner - STAC Pinson

Pip - STAC Pipe - STAC Piper - Pir - STAC Pirton - Pis - STAC Pisey - STAC Pistor

Pit - STAC Pitchard - STAC Pitcher - STAC Pitfold - STAC Pitford - STAC Pitman - STAC Pitt

Pla - STAC Place - STAC Plandon - STAC Plankney - STAC Plant - STAC Plasterers - STAC Player - STAC Playstead

Ple - STAC Pleasants - STAC Pleydell - STAC Pleysington - Plo - STAC Plomer

Plu - STAC Plumb - STAC Plumstead - STAC Plurett - Ply - STAC Plymouth

Poc - STAC Pocock - Poi - STAC Pointell - STAC Pointingdon - Pol - STAC Polhill

Poll - STAC Pollard - STAC Pollet - STAC Pollington - STAC Pollockson - STAC Pollstagge

Pols - STAC Polson - STAC Polsted - Pom - STAC Pomerey - Pon - STAC Ponder - STAC Ponsonby

Poo - STAC Poole - STAC Pooler - STAC Pooley - STAC Poore

Pop - STAC Pope - STAC Popham - STAC Popley - STAC Popplewell

Por - STAC Porey

Port - STAC Port - STAC Porter - STAC Portington - STAC Portman - STAC Portrey

Pos - STAC Postlethwaite

Pot - STAC Poton - STAC Pott - STAC Potter - STAC Pottman

Pou - STAC Poulett - STAC Poulson - STAC Poultney - STAC Pount

Pov - STAC Povey

Pow - STAC Powell - STAC Power - STAC Powle - STAC Powlton - STAC Pownall - STAC Powsey - STAC Powtrell - STAC Powys

Poy - STAC Poynton - STAC Poyntz

Pr go to - STAC Pr names

Puc - STAC Puckering - STAC Puckle

Pud - STAC Pudding - STAC Puddyson - STAC Pudsey

Pue - STAC Puett - Pug - STAC Puggesley - STAC Pugh

Pul - STAC Puleston - STAC Pulford - STAC Pullam - STAC Pullen - STAC Pullyson - STAC Pullyver

Pun - STAC Puncherdon - STAC Punt

Pur - STAC Purboe - STAC Purcell - STAC Purefey - STAC Purley - STAC Purser - STAC Purslow

Pus - STAC Pusey - Putt - STAC Puttenham

Py see also Pi

Pye - STAC Pye - Pyl - STAC Pyle - Pym - STAC Pym

Pyn - STAC Pynney - Pyo - STAC Pyott - Pyr - STAC Pyrry