STAC Farnaby

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Farnaby, Henry

  • STAC 5/F30/13 - B - 24 Eliz - Thomas Farnabye v Sir John Kylligrew, Catherine Behellond et al
  • STAC 5/F23/23 - B A C I D - 24 Eliz - Henry Farnabye v Sir John Killigrewe, Catherine Behelland et al
  • STAC 5/F21/32 - C I D - 24 Eliz - Henry Farnaby v Sir John Killigrewe, William Boyer et al
  • STAC 5/F16/18 - A - 21 Eliz - Henry Farnaby v Sir John Killegrew et al
  • STAC 5/F5/12 - I D - 24 Eliz - Henry Farnaby v Sir John Killegrewe
  • STAC 7/21/9 - - - Henry Farnabye v Sir John Kellygrewe et al
  • STAC 5/F23/25 - B C I - 29 Eliz - Henry Farnabye v Walter Kendall et al
  • STAC 5/F1/18 - B A C I D Rn - 32 Eliz - Henry Farnaby v Walter Kendall, John Hellyer, William Kendall, Thomas Hellyer, Thomas Polson et al
  • STAC 5/F19/25 - I D - 29 Eliz - Henry Farnaby v William Kendall et al
  • STAC 5/F21/2 - C I D - 30 Eliz - Henry Farnaby v Walter Kendall, William Kendall, Thomas Hellyar alias Mayoe
  • STAC 5/F20/11 - C I D - 31 Eliz - Henry Farnaby v William Kendall

Bevan Case Index

  • Farnaby v Kendall - STAC 5/F1/18, STAC 5/F23/25, STAC 5/F19/25, STAC 5/F21/2, STAC 5/F20/11
  • Farnaby v Killigrew - STAC 5/F23/23, STAC 5/F5/12, STAC 5/F16/18, STAC 5/F21/32, STAC 7/21/9,STAC 5/F30/13

Notes, Additions and Corrections

  • STAC 5/F23/23 - Farnaby plt Killigray kt et als deftes deft Caused the plt to bee arreasted & imprisoned upon an accion of the Case of 3’ in the Stanary Court att such time as the plt had proces to serve upon him in this court The Court Caused the Lord Warden to Cause the plt to bee sett att libertie upon his owne Bayle. BL Harley 2143 f.11v - Tr 23 Eliz