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(Created page with "STAC 5/R43/13 - B A - 44 Eliz - London - Matthew Rutter, Abraham Rutter v Andrew Hill see STAC Rutten Transcribed by Helen Good To the Queenes moste excellent Majestie ...")
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To the Queenes moste excellent Majestie  
To the Queenes moste excellent Majestie  
In most humble maner sheweth & informeth your highnes your true faythfull & obedient subjectes Mathias Rutten & Abraham Rutten of your Highnes Cittie of London brewers that whereas they by there obligacions baringe date the twenteth daye of July last past became joyntly & severally bound unto Andrew Hill of London Grocer in the some of twentie poundes of lawfull mony of England with condicion that yf they or either of them or the heires executors administrators or assignes of them or either of them should well & truly paye or cause to be payde unto the saide Androwe HIll his executors administrators or assignes on the tenthe daye of July then next ensuinge the date of the saide obligacion in or at the then howse of the saide Abraham called the three kinges scituate & beinge in East smythfield in your highnes Countie of Middlesex the some of tenne poundes of lawfull monye of England that then the saide obligacion to be voide & of none effect /\ which bond was sealed on the xxth daye of June nowe laste past & not by mistakinge of the writer dated vicesino die Julij, for vicesimo die Junij & so delivered to the saide Hill . . . /\ Nowe soe it is yf it maye please your most excellent majestie that the saide Andrewe Hill beinge a verye subtill & Cosning fellowe of a gredie & Covetus minde not havinge the feare of god before his eies nor due regard of your Majesties lawes & to the intent to abuse your said sujectes & to obteyne payment of the saide tenne poundes almost a yere before the same should have bin payde whereas the saide obligaccion did bare date vicesimo die Julij last in the fower & fortieth yere of your highnes most happie Raigne & the saide tenne poundes was to be paide the tenth daye of July next followinge the sayde twentythe daye of July which is the tenthe daye of July now next Comminge he the saide Andrewe Hill did rase the saide word (Julij) & made it (Junij) /\ or at leaste was pryvie to the saide Rasure /\ & soe made the saide tenne poundes payable the tenth dayee of Julye Last which was before /\ or whole yere /\ before the saide ten poundes was in truthe /\ due or payable /\ sealed & the saide Andrewe Hull havinge thus Rased & written the saide obligacion in or aboute the Tenthe daye of July /\  then next /\ after the saide Abraham Rutten beinge traveled to Sandwich in your Highnes Countie of Kent aboute his affayres & busines the saide Andrewe Hill resorted to his saide dwellinge howse called the three kinges in Eastsmithfield and there demaunded of one Nicholas Marcham your subject Abraham Rutten his Clarcke the saide tenne poundes tellinge him that the same was /\ there /\ due & should have bene pay /\ muste be then presently payd /\ July before & that /\ or else /\ his Mr & his brother sholde forfayte there bond & bade them take to yt he might then presently have the saide tenne poundes to serve his turne as that instant he would not take any advantage of the forfayte whereuppon the saide Markham belonginge the saide Hill & to free your saide subject Abraham Rutten & his saide brother from the penaltie of the saide obligacion patde the saide tenne poundes unto the saide Andrewe Hill and toke in the saide obligacion & at your saide subjectes returne home the saide Nicholas Markham makinge accompts unto him ye said Abraham of mony disbursed in his absence brought in a payment of tenne poundes unto the saide Andrewe Hill where uppon your saide subject Abraham tould the saide Markham that he ought the saide Hill noe mony /\ uppon the saide bond /\ untill July next & the saide Markham fetchinge the saide obligacion & lokinge then narroly into the same found the saide rasure & falsehood and shortly after repayred unto the saide Andrewe Hill & tould him howe wickedly & unjestly he had delt with him who utterly denyed the same affirming that he never altered the saide date neither was any suche thinge done unto his knowledge whereas your saide subjectes can prove by divers credible witnesses & by him that wright the saide obligacion that the same at the sealinge & deliverie thereof was (Julii) & not (Junij) without any rasure with saide fraude unlawfull practised misdemenor & rasinge wrightinge & publishinge the saide obligacion as afforesaide as the same hath tended to the hurt & damages of your saide subjectes & are contrarye to dyvers your Majesties good & holsome lawes of this your Highnes Realme so the same will growe to the perilous example of other like disposed evill persons to committ the like yf sharpe & severe punishment be not herein ministred & inflicted. It may therefore plese your Highnes to grant to your subjectes your Majesties most gratius writt of subpena to be directed unto the saide Andrewe Hill Commaundinge him thereby at a certayne day & under a certayne payne therein to be limited personally to bee & appeare before your highnes & your honorable privie Counsell in your Majesties most honorable Court of Starre Chamber at Westminster then & there to aunswere the premisses & to stand to & abide suche order & direccion therein as to your Highnes & your honorable privie Counsell shalbe thought fitt & your subjectes shall praye for your most excellent Majesties longe to Reigne over us.
In most humble maner sheweth & informeth your highnes your true faythfull & obedient subjectes Mathias Rutten & Abraham Rutten of your Highnes Cittie of London brewers that whereas they by there obligacions baringe date the twenteth daye of July last past became joyntly & severally bound unto Andrew Hill of London Grocer in the some of twentie poundes of lawfull mony of England with condicion that yf they or either of them or the heires executors administrators or assignes of them or either of them should well & truly paye or cause to be payde unto the saide Androwe HIll his executors administrators or assignes on the tenthe daye of July then next ensuinge the date of the saide obligacion in or at the then howse of the saide Abraham called the three kinges scituate & beinge in East smythfield in your highnes Countie of Middlesex the some of tenne poundes of lawfull monye of England that then the saide obligacion to be voide & of none effect which bond was sealed on the xxth daye of June nowe laste past & not by mistakinge of the writer dated vicesino die Julij, for vicesimo die Junij & so delivered to the saide Hill . . . Nowe soe it is yf it maye please your most excellent majestie that the saide Andrewe Hill beinge a verye subtill & Cosning fellowe of a gredie & Covetus minde not havinge the feare of god before his eies nor due regard of your Majesties lawes & to the intent to abuse your said sujectes & to obteyne payment of the saide tenne poundes almost a yere before the same should have bin payde whereas the saide obligaccion did bare date vicesimo die Julij last in the fower & fortieth yere of your highnes most happie Raigne & the saide tenne poundes was to be paide the tenth daye of July next followinge the sayde twentythe daye of July which is the tenthe daye of July now next Comminge he the saide Andrewe Hill did rase the saide word Julij & made it Junij or at leaste was pryvie to the saide Rasure & soe made the saide tenne poundes payable the tenth dayee of Julye Last which was before or whole yere before the saide ten poundes was in truthe due or payable & the saide Andrewe Hill havinge thus Rased & written the saide obligacion in or aboute the Tenthe daye of July then next after the saide Abraham Rutten beinge traveled to Sandwich in your Highnes Countie of Kent aboute his affayres & busines the saide Andrewe Hill resorted to his saide dwellinge howse called the three kinges in Eastsmithfield and there demaunded of one Nicholas Marcham your subject Abraham Rutten his Clarcke the saide tenne poundes tellinge him that the same was there due & muste be then presently payd or else his Mr & his brother sholde forfayte there bond & bade them take to yt whereuppon the saide Markham belonginge the saide Hill & to free your saide subject Abraham Rutten & his saide brother from the penaltie of the saide obligacion patde the saide tenne poundes unto the saide Andrewe Hill and toke in the saide obligacion & at your saide subjectes returne home the saide Nicholas Markham makinge accompts unto him ye said Abraham of mony disbursed in his absence brought in a payment of tenne poundes unto the saide Andrewe Hill where uppon your saide subject Abraham tould the saide Markham that he ought the saide Hill noe mony uppon the saide bond untill July next & the saide Markham fetchinge the saide obligacion & lokinge then narroly into the same found the saide rasure & falsehood and shortly after repayred unto the saide Andrewe Hill & tould him howe wickedly & unjestly he had delt with him who utterly denyed the same affirming that he never altered the saide date neither was any suche thinge done unto his knowledge whereas your saide subjectes can prove by divers credible witnesses & by him that wright the saide obligacion that the same at the sealinge & deliverie thereof was Julii & not Junij without any rasure with saide fraude unlawfull practised misdemenor & rasinge wrightinge & publishinge the saide obligacion as afforesaide as the same hath tended to the hurt & damages of your saide subjectes & are contrarye to dyvers your Majesties good & holsome lawes of this your Highnes Realme so the same will growe to the perilous example of other like disposed evill persons to committ the like yf sharpe & severe punishment be not herein ministred & inflicted. It may therefore plese your Highnes to grant to your subjectes your Majesties most gratius writt of subpena to be directed unto the saide Andrewe Hill Commaundinge him thereby at a certayne day & under a certayne payne therein to be limited personally to bee & appeare before your highnes & your honorable privie Counsell in your Majesties most honorable Court of Starre Chamber at Westminster then & there to aunswere the premisses & to stand to & abide suche order & direccion therein as to your Highnes & your honorable privie Counsell shalbe thought fitt & your subjectes shall praye for your most excellent Majesties longe to Reigne over us.

Latest revision as of 16:44, 11 January 2019

STAC 5/R43/13 - B A - 44 Eliz - London - Matthew Rutter, Abraham Rutter v Andrew Hill see STAC Rutten

Transcribed by Helen Good

To the Queenes moste excellent Majestie

In most humble maner sheweth & informeth your highnes your true faythfull & obedient subjectes Mathias Rutten & Abraham Rutten of your Highnes Cittie of London brewers that whereas they by there obligacions baringe date the twenteth daye of July last past became joyntly & severally bound unto Andrew Hill of London Grocer in the some of twentie poundes of lawfull mony of England with condicion that yf they or either of them or the heires executors administrators or assignes of them or either of them should well & truly paye or cause to be payde unto the saide Androwe HIll his executors administrators or assignes on the tenthe daye of July then next ensuinge the date of the saide obligacion in or at the then howse of the saide Abraham called the three kinges scituate & beinge in East smythfield in your highnes Countie of Middlesex the some of tenne poundes of lawfull monye of England that then the saide obligacion to be voide & of none effect which bond was sealed on the xxth daye of June nowe laste past & not by mistakinge of the writer dated vicesino die Julij, for vicesimo die Junij & so delivered to the saide Hill . . . Nowe soe it is yf it maye please your most excellent majestie that the saide Andrewe Hill beinge a verye subtill & Cosning fellowe of a gredie & Covetus minde not havinge the feare of god before his eies nor due regard of your Majesties lawes & to the intent to abuse your said sujectes & to obteyne payment of the saide tenne poundes almost a yere before the same should have bin payde whereas the saide obligaccion did bare date vicesimo die Julij last in the fower & fortieth yere of your highnes most happie Raigne & the saide tenne poundes was to be paide the tenth daye of July next followinge the sayde twentythe daye of July which is the tenthe daye of July now next Comminge he the saide Andrewe Hill did rase the saide word Julij & made it Junij or at leaste was pryvie to the saide Rasure & soe made the saide tenne poundes payable the tenth dayee of Julye Last which was before or whole yere before the saide ten poundes was in truthe due or payable & the saide Andrewe Hill havinge thus Rased & written the saide obligacion in or aboute the Tenthe daye of July then next after the saide Abraham Rutten beinge traveled to Sandwich in your Highnes Countie of Kent aboute his affayres & busines the saide Andrewe Hill resorted to his saide dwellinge howse called the three kinges in Eastsmithfield and there demaunded of one Nicholas Marcham your subject Abraham Rutten his Clarcke the saide tenne poundes tellinge him that the same was there due & muste be then presently payd or else his Mr & his brother sholde forfayte there bond & bade them take to yt whereuppon the saide Markham belonginge the saide Hill & to free your saide subject Abraham Rutten & his saide brother from the penaltie of the saide obligacion patde the saide tenne poundes unto the saide Andrewe Hill and toke in the saide obligacion & at your saide subjectes returne home the saide Nicholas Markham makinge accompts unto him ye said Abraham of mony disbursed in his absence brought in a payment of tenne poundes unto the saide Andrewe Hill where uppon your saide subject Abraham tould the saide Markham that he ought the saide Hill noe mony uppon the saide bond untill July next & the saide Markham fetchinge the saide obligacion & lokinge then narroly into the same found the saide rasure & falsehood and shortly after repayred unto the saide Andrewe Hill & tould him howe wickedly & unjestly he had delt with him who utterly denyed the same affirming that he never altered the saide date neither was any suche thinge done unto his knowledge whereas your saide subjectes can prove by divers credible witnesses & by him that wright the saide obligacion that the same at the sealinge & deliverie thereof was Julii & not Junij without any rasure with saide fraude unlawfull practised misdemenor & rasinge wrightinge & publishinge the saide obligacion as afforesaide as the same hath tended to the hurt & damages of your saide subjectes & are contrarye to dyvers your Majesties good & holsome lawes of this your Highnes Realme so the same will growe to the perilous example of other like disposed evill persons to committ the like yf sharpe & severe punishment be not herein ministred & inflicted. It may therefore plese your Highnes to grant to your subjectes your Majesties most gratius writt of subpena to be directed unto the saide Andrewe Hill Commaundinge him thereby at a certayne day & under a certayne payne therein to be limited personally to bee & appeare before your highnes & your honorable privie Counsell in your Majesties most honorable Court of Starre Chamber at Westminster then & there to aunswere the premisses & to stand to & abide suche order & direccion therein as to your Highnes & your honorable privie Counsell shalbe thought fitt & your subjectes shall praye for your most excellent Majesties longe to Reigne over us.