STAC 5/C40/29

From Waalt

STAC 5/C40/29 - B A C I D - 42 Eliz - Nicholas Crundell v Robert Bradston, Thomas Prigge et al
This is taken from where there are also notes.
Bill of Complaint
Most Humbly complay[nin]ge sheweth unto your moste excellente Ma[jes]tie Your poore dutifull and obedient Subiecte Nycholas Crundall, Clarke, p[ar]son of the p[ar]sonage and Rectorye of Winterborne within yo[ur] highenesses County of Glouc[ester] That whereas yo[u]r ma[jes]t[ie]s said Subiect, [al]wayes behavinge himselfe in acknowledgem[en]t and practyse of lyef in all loyall affeccon and dutyfull allegiance unto your Ma[jes]tie, as unto his moste gratious undoubted quene and Soueraigne, and in good Conformaty unto yo[u]r highnesses lawes, without any iust touche or blemishe of Sedycon disloyalty Quarelinge or breach of your highnesses peace, endeavouringe likewise uppon all iuste occacons in his place and Callinge to p[er]swade and instructe others to the like. Notw[i]thstandinge, may yt please your most excelent Ma[jes]tie, one Robert Bradston of Winterborne aforesaid, together w[i]th divers other Turbulent and ungodly p[er]sons hereafter menconed of like wicked disposicon, Combyneinge and Confederateinge unto Themselves most wickedly against your highnesses good and wholsome lawes Statuts and Ordinances made and p[ro]vided to the Contrary of a most secret malice and Contempte as yt seemeth unto your Subiects callinge of A Mynister and Preacher of the worde of god and thereby the rather to bringe same scandall unto the Doctrine of the gospell by him taught and nowe professed and aucthorished within your highnesses Realmme and falsely contrived devised and Imagined by p[er]iurye Subornacon of p[er]iury and matters of like Qualitie divers and sundry most wicked intollerable practises and devils teachinge, to the touch[in]g of your Subiects lief and loyealty Slander of his callinge, losse of his liveinge and utter and unrecov[e]rable overthrowe of his office.
And Fyrst the said Rob[er]te Bradstone, the better to effect his said devilish Practises and Devises, in or about the beginninge of March in the Fortyeth yeares of your highenesses most prosperous raigne as divers tymes before, most maliciously dispersed and caused to be published in and through the most p[ar]te of that County of Glouc[ester] where your Subiect especially resideth that I your said Subiect had spoken Treason against your highenes, not mencoeninge in perticuler what the words thereof were, and likewise had openly and publiquely spoken and uttered against your ma[jes]tie certen Sedycous Comptemptous and unseemely words not made w[i]th Reverence to be Reyterated, as, namely, that your Subiect cared not A Turde for Your Ma[jes]tie. And to make good the Slanderous reports aforesaid within some fewe dayes after the supposed Treasonable and Sedycyous words were published [fold] foresaid, he, the said Bradston, procured your said Subiect to be brought before S[i]r John Poynes Knight one of your ma[jes]ties Justices of the peace for your highenesses said County of Glouecester to Answere the supposed sedycious words aforesaid, whoe caused your said Subiect thereupon to become bounde in a Recognizance to your Ma[jes]t[ie]s use of a greate penalty with Condycon to Answere the supposed sedycous words aforesaid before your highnesses Justices of Assizes Assigned for your Ma[jes]ties said County of County of Glouecester at lent Assizes there holden in the said Fortyeth Yeare of Your highenesses Raigne when and where Your said Subiect appeered accordeingly.
And the said Brads[tone] as A man redyest to be imployed upon any Course against any of the Mynistery haveing before that for a longe season stood out as a Contemptious Popishe recusant caused a Bill of Indyctement to be preferred before your Ma[jestie]s said Justices of Assizes at the Assizes last before menconed upon the supposed sedycous and Contemptious words before p[ar]ticulerly menconed, whereupon the same was Comitted to be inquired of by the then Grand Jury impanaled for the County of Gloucester. And to the intent his most false and wicked purposes might be the more tollerable Justified he the said Robart Bradstone attempted to prove the words aforesaid by false witnesses before the said Justices of Assizes And to that end suborned and p[ro]cured one John Marshall and Richard Weare of Winterborne aforesaid husbandmen And Alice wiefe of the said Richard Weare falsely and Corruptly to depose Advow and Justifie (at the assizes and before the Justices and Jury aforesaid) the unreverent and sedycous words aforesaid, whoe then and there accordingly, by the especiall meanes p[ro]curement and subornacon of the said Bradstone, they beinge before sworne upon the holy Evangelist to deliver true Credence upon the Indycte[ment] aforesaid, falsely wilfully and Corruptly did depose and Testefy before the Justices of Assizes and grand Jury aforesaid, That yo[u]r subject beinge Comaunded by one Richard Weare of Wynterborne aforesaid husbandeman then or late before your highenesses Constable for he Towneshipp of Winterbourne in yo[u]r name to keepe your highenesses peace did answere in these words (viz.) “the Queene the Queene I care not a turde for the Queene,” where in truth your Subiect humbly p[ro]testes and doubteth not to p[ro]ve as well by the Confession of Bradston himselfe a[nd] otherwise that those nor any other sedycous or unseemely words did p[ro]ceed out of yo[u]r subiects mouth but were meerely devised by the said Bradston and the Wytnesses abovesaid. For, maye yt please your ma[jes]tie, the said Bradston, beinge upon an occasion after rebuked by one of his Especiall good frends for placeinge of witnesses in that cause w[hi]ch he himselfe knewe to be false, Answered to this offer (viz) “yf knaves and whores goe to the dyvell then he would have them to doe him a good turne before they went thither,” meaneinge thereby by forswearinge themselves in that theire deposicons against yo[u]r Subiect. And likewise the said Alice Weare that, sythence the Deposicons aforesaid, given foorth to div[e]rse and sundry p[er]sons that the said Bradston p[ro]missed her a pettycote for to be falsely deposed to the words aforesaid, but that shee never receaved at his hand for the same her sayd deposycion but only one payer of hose and a payer of shoes. Notw[i]thstandinge, upon the said Testimony and deposicon of the said Marshall Weare and his said wiefe, the said Indyctment was found by the said Grand Jury against yo[u]r subiect, whereby the said Marshall Weare and his said wiefe have Comitted and the said Bradston hath p[ro]cured most wycked and wilfull p[er]iury contrary to their knoweledges and the truth.
And whereas also one Will[ia]m Belshier of Winterborne aforesaid, as a p[ar]issoner of the p[ar]ishe of Winterborne aforesayd whereof yo[u]r subiect then was and yett is p[ar]son, was about the Fyve and Thirtyeth Yeare of Yo[u]r Ma[jes]t[ie]s Raigne to paye Yo[u]r said subiect as p[ar]son of Winterborne aforesaid certen Tythes w[hi]ch he denyed unto yo[u]r said subiect, and therefore yo[u[r said subiect, in or about the Fyve and Thirtyeth Yeare of yo[u]r Ma[jes]t[ie]s Raigne, comenced a Suite against the said Belshier for the said Tyethes before one doctor Jeames then and yett Chauncellor of the Diocesse of Bristoll in the Consistory Court of Bristoll aforesaid, wherein the said Belshier, by way of Defence and barre unto yo[u]r subiects Clayme, Answered that yo[u]r subiect was not p[ar]son of Winterborne aforesaid, soe as your subiect and Belshier were principally at issue upon that poynt, w[hi]ch yo[u]r subiect p[ro]ved in the said Consistory Courte of Bristoll by the deposicons of Div[er]s honest and substancall p[er]sons, whereupon the said Belshier much instanced yo[u]r said subiect to surcease his said suyte, p[ro]missing to take order w[i]th him for the Tyethes aforesaid. But the said Bradston, of malice to your said subiect and further to bewray his malicious and ungodly intencons against yo[u]r subiect, did p[er]swade the said Belshier in any wise not to take any order w[i]th yo[u]r said subiect in that matter, p[ro]missinge him money and other help to defend the said suyte against yo[u]r subiect, by w[hi]ch said p[er]swacon Belshier Brake of from the said entended agreem[en]t, and thereupon the said Bradston afterwards, to make good his p[ro]misses, passed unto the said Belshier, he the said Bradston, being noe p[ar]tie unto the same, tooke upon him to make staye of yo[u]r subiects sentence in that suyte, and thereupon, about the lat[ter] end of Michaelmas Tearme in the Fortyeth yeare of yo[u]r highnesses Raigne, p[ro]cured foorth at his owne prop[er] Costs & Charges out of yo[u]r ma[jes]t[ie]s Courte of Comon pleas at Westm[inster], A p[ro]hibicon directed unto the said Doctor Jeames to make staye of the said sentence upon A false surmise by waye of suggestion, that there then was, and tyme whereof the memory of man is not to the Contrary hath bin, a Custome w[i[thin the Hamlett of Winterborne that ev[e]ry occupier of one Yeard lande should paye yerely for all Tythe haye ariseinge, or from tyme to tyme renewing upon the same yeard land, and for all pasturage and after pasturage, barren feedinge, and breedinge Cattell whatsoever in lie[u] and full satisfacon of the said Tyethes and feeding Six pence, And for halfe a yerd land three pence, and for a Cottage three halfpence and not above.
And to make good that p[re]tended Custome they, the said Bradston and Belshier, most wickedly and Corruptly endeavo[u]red to p[ro]ve the same by false wytnesses before him, the said Doctor James, and thereupon laubored and p[ro]cured John Marshall aforesaid, one Henry Hunte al[ia]s Nicholas, John Dagg, and Henry Wood, of Winterborne aforesaid, husbandmen, falsly Corruptly and against their owne knowledges to depose and about the said false p[re]tended Costome pr[e]sisely in manner and forme as is lastly above mencoed, whoe likewise, by the subornacon aforsesaid, about the moneth of Octob[e]r then next followeinge soe then and there deposed accordingly, whereas in truth, as your subiect shalbe very well able to make manyfest unto this ho[nourable] Courte, not only the deponents themselves for all their tymes, but alsoe all other th inhabitants of the p[ar]ishe of Winterborne respectyvely for the tyme beinge have payed especially for Fyfty or Threescore Yeares then last past for the porcon of all tythe haye groweinge upon those p[ar]tes of their meadowes commonly called Stone or Stint Meadowes in the Hamlett of Winterborne aforesaid, belonging to ev[e]ry of their sayd yeard lands only six pence, for ev[e]ry halfe Yeard land Three pence, and ev[e]ry Cottage Three halfe pence and payed alsoe ov[e]r and besides Tyth haye in kinde of and for all other grownd in the Hamlett of Winterborne aforesaid w[hi]ch have byn Conv[e]rted eyther from wood or erable grownd unto Meadowe grownds, w[hi]ch said Costome lastly mencoed yo[u]r subiect did likewise Precisely p[ro]ve in the said Consistory Court of Bristoll by the Testimonyes of Seaven suffycient Wytnesses, beinge all p[ar]ishoners of Winterborne aforesaid, and when afterwards therefore yo[u]r said subiect demaunded sentence at the hands of the said Doctor Jeames, the said Bradston, in stay of the said sentence, about Decemb[e]r in the Fortyeth yeare of yo[u]r highenesses Raigne delivered the sayd Wrytte of prohibicon unto the said Doctor Jeames and therby made staye of yo[u]r subiects sayd sentence, and by that means alsoe the said cause was removed out of the said Consistory Courte of Bristoll unto the said Courte of Comon Pleas, and upon the p[ro]curement of the said prohibicon, the false and feyned Custome before mencoed, beinge p[re]cisely layed by way of suggestion as the only Cause for the obteyneinge of the same for p[ro]fe of that said suggestion, the said Bradstone and Belshier, about the Tenth day of February in the Fortyeth Yeare of Yo[u]r highenesses Raigne, did further suborne labo[u]r and p[ro]cure John Marshall and Henry Wood aforesaid before the Right hon[ourable] Thomas Walmsley, one of yo[u]r highnesses Justices of the same Court of Comon pleas, falsely and Corruptly to depose the said feyned and false Costome to be pr[e]cysly in man[ner] and forme as before in the said suggestion was expr[e]ssed, wherein the said Bradston and Belshier have p[ro]cured & suborned and the said Marshall and Wood have falsely wilfully and Corruptly comitted most false and wilfull p[er]iury
And whereas further yo[u]r said subiect traversed the suggestions w[hi]ch were alleadged for causes for obtayneinge forth ye said p[ro]hybicon and thereuppon was at yssue w[i]th the said Belshier in yo[u]r highenesses said Courte of Comon Pleas and brought downe the Record thereof unto the assizes holden for the said County of Gloucest[e]r in Somer last past, when the suggestion dependeinge upon the false pr[e]tended Custome aforesaid was to be tryed, the said Bradston and Belsher, to give some Countenance to their wicked p[ro]ceedings and to the intent noe occasion of what nature or quality whatsoever shalbe unassayed that might tend to further or give Collor to the wycked attempts aforesaid and thereby to ov[e]rthrowe yo[u]r subiects iust and lawfull Demaund to the said Tyethes and to add Creditt to the false pr[e]tended Custome aforesaid, they, the said Bradston and Belsher, at The assizes last before mencoed likewise suborned labored and p[ro]cured one Thomas Prigg of Winterborne aforsayd, Henry Nicholas als Hunte aforsayd, Henry Wood aforsayd, John Dagg of Winterborne aforsayd, and John Marshall aforesaid, and one John Peryman of Wykwar, in yo[u]r highenesses said County of Glou[cestershire], husbandman, falsely and Corruptly to depose advowe and Justifie the surmised false and pr[e]tended Costome aforesaid, who accordeingly, before the Judge and Jury aforesaid, then and there alsoe did most falsly wilfully and corruptly depose as followes (viz)
that the Custome in the Hamlett of Winterborne is and, tyme whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary, hath byn that ev[e]r p[ar]ishnor of the said Hamlett of Winterborne for the tyme being have payed for ev[e]ry yard land w[hi]ch they have held w[i]thin the Hamlett aforesaid for all man[ner] of Tyeth haye w[ha]tsoev[e]r, and for all barren feedinge and breeding cattell w[ha]tsoev[e]r Six pence and noe more,
And that they the said Deponents and ev[e]ry of them had from tyme to tyme payed accordeinge to their said deposition and noe otherwise, whereas in truth the said Custome w[i]thin the said Hamlett is, and tyme whereof the memory of man is not to the Contrary, for and concerneinge the payem[en]t of the said Tyethes in [the] Hamlett aforesaid, his before in that behalfe is exp[re]ssely sett downe and affirmed by yo[u]r Subiect with this that yo[u]r Subiect hopeth to make manyfest unto this Honorable Court, that all the said deponents have soe and in noe other maner from tyme payed unto yo[u]r subiect or his p[re]decessor or the farmors of the same notw[i]thstandinge maye yt please your highenes upon the false deposicons of the said Prigg, Nicholas, Perriman, Wood, Dagg, Marshall, the said yssue was found against yo[u]r subiect to the utter undoeinge of yo[u]r subiect and his sucessors, unless yo[u]r maiesties gracyouse favour by pr[e]tended in that behalfe unto yo[u]r pore subiect for that by that p[re]tended false Custome, yo[u]r Subiect and his successors shalbe barred of all their Tyethes in kynde, w[hi]ch they of right ought to have, as is before truly in that behalfe expr[e]sslie for lesse then the Thirtyeth p[ar]te thereof, whereby they, the said Prigg, Nicholas, Peryman, Wood, Dagg, and Marshall have, by the said deposicons, most falsely, wilfully, and corruptly, and against their owne knoweledges, comitted, and the said Bradston and Belshier have suborned and p[ro]cured most wycked, false, and corrupt p[er]iury.
And whereas the said Bradston, about the Thirtyeth of March in ye Neyne and Thirtyeth Yeare of yo[u]r ma[jes]t[ie]s Raigne, upon Complaint made by one Anthony Bradston of Winterborne aforesaid, gent[leman], unto ye Right Ho[nourable] S[i]r John Popham Knyght, lord chief Justice of England, was therefore convented before the sayd lo[rd] chief Justice yt he, ye said Rob[er]te Bradston, w[i]th a pistoll charged unlawefully entred into the house of the said Anthony Bradston at Winterborne aforesaid w[i]th a p[ur]pose and intencon, as was then p[ro]ved before the said Lo[rd] highnesse Justice, to have murthered the said Anthony Bradston. Whereupon the said lo[rd] Chiefe Justice for that the said Rob[er]te Bradston could not fynde Two suffycient suertyes to become bound w[i]th him in a Recognizance to yo[u]r ma[jes]t[ies] use yt ye said Bradston should be of good behavio[u]r comitted ye said Bradston unto the Prison of ye Marshallsey in Southewarke in yo[u]r ma[jes]t[ie]s County of Surrey, untill he should be able to fynde Two very gode & suffycient suertyes, beinge subsydy men, to become bound as aforesaid w[i]th him, the said Rob[er]te Bradston, very shortely after the tyme last above mencoed, in Southwark aforesaid p[er]suaded and suborned Two evell disposed p[er]sons, unknowen to yo[u]r subiect, beinge very poore men and of noe worth, to depose before the said lo[rd] chief justice that they weare subsydy men and that one of them was taxed unto yo[u]r ma[jes]tie at the taxacion of ye subsidy last before the said Bradstons imprisonm[en]t at Fyve pounds in Lands and the other of Fyve pound of goods, whereas they never had bin taxed any thinge at all towards yo[u]r ma[jes]tie by way of subsidy, and yt ye said Bradstone then and there also promised them the said p[ar]ties yf they would p[er]forme that is request to recompence them to their likeinge, whereupon they, the said p[ar]ties to yo[u]r subiect unknowen, condiscended unto ye said Bradstones mocon & shortly after the said Bradston p[ro]cured yt, he himselfe & ye said p[ar]ties might be brought before the said Lo[rd] Chief Justice to put in bayle accordingly, when & where the p[ar]ties soe suborned, as before beinge fyrst sworne upon the holy Evangelist to answerr unto some Questions as should be then & there demaunded of them, the said p[ar]ties unknowen to yo[u]r subiect, beinge also demaunded by the said Lo[rd] Chief Justice upon their said othe whether they were subsidy men or not & what they were in the subsidy booke unto yo[u]r highnes, falsely & sev[er]ally answered against their owne knoweledges and the truth upon the said subornacon of the said Rob[er]te Bradston, one of them sayeinge further that he was at that tyme Fyve pounds in lands in yo[u]r ma[jes]t[ie]s said subsidy booke and the other Fyve pounds in goods, whereas yo[u]r subiect shalbe very well to p[ro]ve that the p[ar]ties or eyther of them then were or before yt had byn taxed any charge at all unto yo[u]r highnes by way of subsedye, and that alsoe they were not of the names or places yt they were then bound by, wherein alsoe the said p[ar]ties unknowen have most wyckedlie & corruptlye comitted & the said Bradston suborned and p[ro]cured most wilfull wycked & corrupt p[er]iury cosinage & deceipte, sythence w[hi]ch tyme the sayd Bradstone hath alsoe in ye p[re]sence of divers p[er]sons greatly bosted that he had deceaved ye said Lo[rd] Chief Justice by ye subornacon and wycked meanes aforesaid
In Tender Consideracon thereof and to the end [of] said Mayntenaning p[er]uryes, Subornacons & offences aforesaid tendeinge greatly to the vyolatinge and subvertinge of all yo[u]r highnes good lawes statuts and ordinancs heretofore established & p[ro]vided for the avoyding of the offenses aforesaid to ye dangerous example imboldeninge and incouraging other ye like p[er]sons to comitt (the offences) may receave condygne punnishem[ent] accordeing unto yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties lawes and statuts provyded in that behaulfe to the error of others
May yt therefore please yo[u]r most excelent ma[jes]tie to award unto yo[u]r highenesses said subiect yo[u]r most gratious wrytt of S[ub]p[o]ena to be directed unto the said Rob[er]te Bradston John Marshall Thomas Prigg Henry Wood Alyce Weaver, William Belsheire Henry Nicholas al[ia]s Hunt and John Periman comandeinge the ev[e]ry of them at a Playce day & under a Playne paym[en]t there to be lymitted p[er]sonally to appeare before yo[u]r most excelent ma[jes]tie in yo[u]r highnesses most highe & ho[nourable] Court of Starr [Chamber] [torn] [illegible] to and [illeg.] such [illeg.] Order & term therein as to yo[u]r Highnesse & the said most Hono[u]rable Courte shalbe judged most expedient. And yo[u]r said subiect accordeinge to his most bounden duety shall [torn] [illegible] hono[u]r long to [illeg.]

Answer of Robert Bradston and others
The ioynte and sev[er]all answers of Robert Bradston gent Thomas Prigge Alyce Weare Henry Nicholas als Hunt, and John Perryman Five of the Defend[an]ts to the bill of compl[ain]t of Nicholas Crundall Clerke complaynant
The said Def[endan]ts savinge unto them and ev[er]y of them nowe and at all tymes hereafter the benefitt and advantage of all exceptions to th incertenties and insufficiencyes of the said bill of Complaynt and the matters therein alleadged For answer sayen And First the said Robert Bradston for himself sayeth that as to all conspiracyes mayneteining p[er]iuryes subornacons practized offences and misdemeanors whatsoev[er] in and by the same bill of Complaynt alleadged against this said defendant, And w[hi]ch now are examynable in this honourable Courte, He this def[endan]t is not thereof nor of any p[ar]te thereof guyltye in suche manner and forme as in and by the said bill of complaynt the same is sett forth and declared. And the said Alyce Weare for herself sayeth That as to all conspiracyes mayneteining p[er]iuryes subornacons practizes offences and misdeameanors whatsoev[er] in and by the said bill of complaynt alleadged against this said Def[endan]t. And w[hi]ch now and examinable in this honourable Courte, She this def[endan]t is not thereof nor of any p[ar]te thereof guylty in suche manner and forme as in the said bill of Compl[a]y[n]t the same is sett forth and declared. And the sayed Henrye Nich[ol]as al[ia]s Hunt for himself sayeth, That as to all conspiracyes mayneteining p[er]iuries subornacons practizes offences and misdemeanors whatsoev[er] in and by the said bill of complaint alleadge against this said Defendant, And w[hi]ch now are examynable in this honorable Courte, He this def[endan]t is not thereof nor of any p[ar]te thereof guyltye in suche manner and Forme as in and by the said bill of complaint the same is sett forth and declared. And the said John Perryman for himself saith That as to all conpircayes mayneteining p[er]iuries subornacons practizes offences and misdemeanors whatsoev[er] in and by the said bill of Complant alleadged against this sayd Defendant and w[hi]ch now are examinable in this honourable Courte, He this Defendant is not thereof nor of any p[ar]te thereof guyltye in suche manner and forme as in and by the said bill of Complaint the same as sett forth and declared All w[hi]ch matters theis said def[endan]ts and ev[er]y of them are redye to averr and prove as this honorable Courte shall awarde and praye and ev[er]y of them prayeth to be from hence dismissed w[i]th their and ev[er]y of their reasonable costs in

[Latin; probably a writ of subpoena, directed to Robert Bradston gent., Thomas Prigge, John Perryman, Henre Nicholas & Alice Weare, at the instance of Nicholas Crundall, clerk, to be given examinations by interrogatories, dated at Westminster, 1 December 1598 (I’m unsure of the year)]

[Latin writ; commission to Christopher Browne, John Wykewick, Peter Bird, gentleman, John Bainham, clerk, to take the answer of Robert Bradston at Winterbourne, undated]

INTERROGATORYES to be ministred unto Robert Bradston one of the def[endant]s at the suite of Nicholas Crundall Clerke Comp[lainan]t
INPRIMIS whether did you at any tyme before the assizes holden at Glouc[ester] for the sayd countye of Glouc[ester] in lent in the xlth yere of the Queenes ma[jes]ties Raigne that nowe is deliberate conferre & talke w[i]th John Marshall & Ales Weare two of the defendants in the bill mencoed & dyv[er]se others how & in what wyse you might bringe the Comp[lainan]t into obloquy & sclander as well in the p[ar]ish of Winterborne as also in and through the whole countye & sheere of Glouc[ester] & to that end did yow not invent & practise that the sayd Comp[lainan]t should use & speake undutyfull & seditious words agaynst her ma[jes]tie, & after you & the other had invented certen seditious wordes that the Comp[lainan]t should speake did not look you & they or one of you gowe out in speches, that the Comp[lainan]t had spoken treason not naminge any treason in p[ar]ticular yf yea in what place had you that conference, was it not in the howse of Richard Weare husband of the sayd Ales Weare or was it in any other place, yf you then shew where the same was & how manye was of yo[u]r confederacye, what were the sedicious wordes that were then agreed upon amongst you & yo[u]r confederacy that the Comp[lainan]t should utter, by whome were they invented by yo[u]rselfe or by some other, yf by yo[u]rselfe then to what end & purpose was it not to thend in this article set downe, & how many others would you have p[ro]cured to be of yo[u]r confederacy besyds the def[endant]s
2/ITEM were not the sayd M[ar]shall and Weares wyfe upon the bruite & reporte of the words in the next antecent article mencoed (vid) that the Compl[ainan]t had spoken treason, called before Sir John Poyntz Knight to testyfie theire knowledge conserninge that matter, And after that tyme, did not the sayd def[endan]ts Marshall & Weres wyfe go unto the Assizes holden for ye county of Glouc[ester] there to endyte ye Comp[lainan]t for the supposed seditious words & cominge thyther did they not by yo[u]r meanes p[re]ferre a bill of indictment agaynst the Comp[lainan]t, and dyd they not geve evidence there although falsely, aswell to the Justice as also to the graund Jury, that the Comp[lainan]t had used these words followinge, vid the Queene the queene I care not a turde for the queene, by what meanes & p[ro]curement came the said def[endan]ts aswell, to Sir John Poyntz aforesaid as also unto ye said assizes of Glouc[ester], Did not you paye for the makinge & framinge of the sayd bill of indictm[en]t, and dyd not you all the tyme of thewe yo[u]r said def[endan]ts beinge at the sayd Assizes beare thewe or both or one of theire chargs And what other money reward or recompence or p[ro]mise of money or rewarde made you or gave you to them or bothe or one of them, to th end to com aswell before Sir John Poyntz as also to the sayd Assizes, to geve that evydence & to depose the said words.
3/ITEM have not you sythence that tyme confessed as well pryvately as publiquely, to sundry & dyverse p[er]sons that the sayd Marshall & Weares wyfe, then & there dyd forsweare themselves, and dyd yo not sett downe a reason of yo[u]r knowledge therein (vid) that you yo[u]rselfe were a great deale nearar unto the Comp[lainan]t at the tyme that the sayd supposed sedicious wordes should be spoken by the Comp[lainan]t, then eyther Marshall or Weares wyfe And yet you hard not the Comp[lainan]t to use or utter any suche wordes And being demaunded why you p[ro]cured them to geve yt testymonye, dyd yow not answere then, that yf whores & Knaves will go to the Devill, then lett them doe me a good turne meaninge your selfe before they goe or words to that effect
4/ITEM did not you Knowinge yt the Comp[lainan]t had a suit agaynst Will[ia]m Belshere on[e] of the defendants in the Bill named in the consistorye Court of Bristoll p[er]suade and counsell the sayd Belshere not to compound or agree w[i]th the Comp[lainan]t for his the sayd Belsheres tythes. Did you not p[ro]mise w[i]th all yo[u]r best helpe both of money & otherwyse in the defence of the same cause agaynst the Comp[lainan]t, and dyd not the sayd Belshere thereupon breake of the intended agreem[en]t wi[i]th before he offered to the Comp[lainan]t.
5/ITEM dyd not you after the same tyme, that you had p[er]suaded the sayde Belshere from the intended agreement p[ro]sequite in the behalfe of the said Belshere aswell in the consystorye court of Bristoll as also in the courte of comon plees, and at Glouc[ester] assizes last the same cause then dependinge in ev[er]y of the sayd placs or any of them at the suite of the Comp[lainan]t agaynst the sayd Belshere, Yf yea, then whether did yow p[re]sente the same & disburse some some or somes of money of yo[u]r owne money in the defence of the sayd suite Yf yea then to whom & what some or somes of money have you in yt suit layd out & disbursed
6/ITEM did not you and the sayd Belshere or one of you p[ro]mise p[er]swade John Marshall, Henry Woode before Mr Justice Walmsesley about the tyme in the bill mencoed, & the sayd Marshall, Wood, Thomas Prigge, John Dagge, Henrye Hunt al[ia]s Nicolus, & John Pirriman at the last assizes holden at Glouc[ester] falsly to depose & testefye upon theire othes, that the custome w[i]thin the Hamlett of Winterborne then was & tyme whereof the memory of man is not to the contrarye hath bin that ev[er]ye occupier of one yard land should paye yerely for all tithe haye arysinge or from tyme to tyme renewinge upon yt said yard land and for all pasturage & after pasturage of barren breeding & feedinge Cattle whatsoev[er] in lewe & full satisfaction of the sayd tythes & feedings six pence & for ev[er]y halfe yard land iijd & for ev[er]y cottage jd & not above
7/ITEM were you not for dyverse yo[u]r misdemeanors called before the Right Honorable the lord chieffe Justice of England & by him bound to yo[u]r good behavior And for that you could not putt in sufficient bale, by the sayd Lord chieffe Justice comitted to warde, did you not beinge in warde practyse w[i]th two lewde & evill disposed p[er]sons to p[ro]cure yo[u]r libertye & deceave the sayd Lord Chieffe Justice. Did yow not to that end hire compounde & agree w[i]th the sayd twoe lewd p[er]sons, that they should com before the sayd Lord chieffe Justice & before him take corporall othes on ye evangelist that they were subsedye men the one to her Ma[jes]tie sett in subsidye at fyve pounds in lands, the other Tenne pounds in goods. And that one of them dwelled in the county of Glouc[ester] & the other in London. And dyd not you give them apparell to weare decent before the sayd Lord chieffe Justice. And did they not before the sayd Lord chyeffe Justice, by your p[ro]curement take most false othes. Yf yea, declare what money or other rewarde you gave to them or to anyone of them to take the sayd false othes, together w[i]th the true names & home places of abode or dwelling of the sayd p[ar]tyes.

INTERROGATORYES to be ministred to Thomas Prigge Henrye Nicolas al[ias] Hunte and John Pirriman three of the def[endan]ts at the suite of Nicholas Crundall Clerke Compl[ainan]t
INPRIMIS do you knowe p[re]cyslye of yo[u]r owne knowledge that within the Hamlett of Winterborne in the bill mencoed there is this custome in generall (amongst others concerninge the payement of certen Tythes in Kynde viz) That ev[er]ye occupier of one Yard Land w[i]thin the sayd Hamlett should paye yerelye for all tythe Haye arysinge or from tyme to tyme renuinge upon the sayd Yerd land and for all pasturage and after pasturage of barren feeding and breedinge cattell whatsoever in Lewe and full satysfaction of the sayd Tythes and feedings syxe pence for ev[er]y yard land six pence halfe yerd land Three pence and for eu[er]ye Cottage three halfe pence & not above. Yf yea, then by what meanes was yo[u]r Knowledge Ledde & inducede there unto
ITEM whether dyd you not aswell before the Justices of Assizes and Jurye at Glouc[ester] assizes last as also before Doctor James in the consystorye courte of Bristoll testyfie by waye of Deposition that the custome of the sayde Hamlett of Winterborne for the tythes aforesayd was in such sorte and noe other wyse then is above in the next antecedent Interr[ogatory] especially & p[ar]ticularlye in that behalfe sett downe. Yf yea what moved you so to testyfye and depose.
ITEM whether do you not knowe or have credyblye hearde that all or the most p[ar]te of the occupiers of Medowe ground w[i]thin the Hamlett of Winterborne aforesayd w[hi]ch hath bin converted from wood or arrable grownd unto meadowe for the tyme of yo[u]r remembrance have from tyme to tyme as occasion p[ro]ved yeldad and payd or other wyse aught to have yelded and payd for all the sayd medowe growndes w[hi]ch hath bin converted eyther from arrable or wood grownde into medowe grownde Tythe Haye in kinde unto the p[ar]son of Winterborne aforesayd for the tyme beinge or to his or theire farmor or farmors of the Rectorye thereof Yf yea then what moved yow to testyfie and depose that money from tyme to tyme vid vjd for a yerd Land, iijd halfe a yerde land & jd ½ a cotage have and ought to be payd in Lewe & satysfacon of the Tythes arysinge or cominge of the sayd Medowe grownds, as for other meade here called Stone Meade or Stynte Meade
ITEM whether did not William Belshere and Robert Bradston in the bill expressed or eyther of them move & p[er]suade you or any of you to testyfie and depose the custome to be as causinge the payment of a certen some of money for all tythe Haye whatsoev[er] in the Hamlett of Winterborne as in the first Interr[ogatory] is expressed, and who dyd depose in the same sorte as you then dyd And what reward recompence or p[ro]mise of reward or recompence was made or p[ro]mysed unto you or them or any other which were deposed there unto, by the sayd Belshere or Bradston, or any other so to testyfye and depose.

INTERROGATORIES to be administred unto Alice Weare one of the defendants at the suite of Nicolas Crundall Clerke Complaynante
ITEM whether dyd you heare the Comp[lainant] at any tyme before the Assizes holden at Glouc[ester] for the sayd countye of Glouc[ester] in Lent in ye Fourtyeth yere of the queenes Ma[jes]t[y']s Raigne that now is, use these sedycious words (viz) The Queene ye Queene I care not a Turde for the Queene meaninge the queenes ma[jes]tie that now is yf yea then in what place at what tyme, upon what occasion & before whome did the Comp[lainan]t speake these words
2/ITEM Who besyde yo[u]rselfe dyd heare the Compl[ainan]t speake the supposed contemptuous and sedycious words in the next antecedent Inter[rogatory] mencoed name the sayd p[ar]ties, w[hi]ch to yo[u]r owne knowledge dyd heare the same at the tyme and place when and where the sayd words were first supposed to be spoken by the sayd Compl[ainan]t
3/ITEM Dyd not you and the sayd John M[ar]shall one of the def[endan]ts or one of you at the sayd Glouc[ester] Assizes in the first interr[ogatory] mencoed before the Justices and Jurye there depose that the Comp[lainan]t had spoken the sayd supposed sedicious words in the first Interr[ogatory] mencoed, yf yea whether was it of yo[u]r owne inventyon, by the sinister p[er]suasion or subornacon of the sayd Roberte Bradston one of the def[endan]ts or of some other p[er]son or p[er]sons w[i]thout any iust cause thereof, And whoe moved you & the said John M[ar]shall or eyther of you to take the sayd untrue othe and what money recompence, reward or p[ro]myse of money or reward, have you or the sayd John Marshall or eyther of you receaved taken or accepted of for taking of ye said othe
4/ITEM dyd not you & John Ma[r]shall aforesayd the sayd Bradston & others before the sayd Lent assyzes in the first Interr[ogatory] mencoed mete together at the howse of Richard Weare your husband in Winterborne in the county of glouc[ester] to consult together first to devyse after to publish & then to depose the supposed sedicious words in the first Interr[ogatory] named
5/ITEM whether did you or the said Bradston or any others, at yo[u]r sayd husbands howse first devise the sayd words, and what was the substance of the consultacon then and there had betwixt you and the others then assembled for the mann[er] of the publishinge and devysinge of the sayd words
6/ITEM whether would not you or some other p[er]son in yo[u]r company at the tyme and place in the next antecedent Interr[ogatory] mencoed have p[er]suaded others then & there p[re]sent to have veryfied upon their othes the supposed sedicous words aforesayd and what were the words p[er]suasions or other meanes to win them there unto and what answeres made them, or any one of them to the sayd motyons or p[er]suasions.

The Answers of Alice Weare, John Perriman, Henry Nicholas als. Hunt, Robert Bradston gent. & Thomas Prigg, To be Intergatorys ministred by Nicholas Crundall clark, taken at Winterborn the xxiijth and xxiiijth days of January, before Thomas Baynham clerk and John Wickwick gent. comissioners by vertu of a Sedimus potestatem to them and others directed out of Highnes honorable court of Star chamber in the 42d yere ofthe raigne of our sou[er]aigne Lady Quene Elizabeth
Robart Bradston gent unto the first Int[ero]g[ati]on Answereth that at any time before the assizes houlden as in the interagatory is spe[cifie]d he did not deliberate co[n ]fer and talk with John Marshall Alice Weare and others how and in what wise he might bring the complainant in to obloquie and slander in the p[ar]ish of Winterbourne and through the county and sheere of Glouc[ester] And farther saythe that to that end he did not invent and practize that the said comp[lainan]t should use and speke undutifull and seditious wordes against her m[ajes]tie and therfor could not speke those sediscous wordes after such invention
Ad 2nd Interrog[ation]n he answereth that he knoweth Marshall and weares wife weare befor Sir John Poynts Knight to testifie theyr knowledg concerninge certaine seditious wordes against her m[ajes]tie And farther sayth that Marshall and Wears wife afforsayd were at Glouc[ester] and did give evidence to a bill of Inditment as he hath hearde against the comp[lainant] wherby he was Indited as likewise he hearde it reported. And farther also sayth he knoweth not of any such evidence then and ther given but by report and farther Affirmeth that they went befor Sir John Poynts Knight by the comandiment of Mr Richard Stephens or some officer as he now remembreth and were bounde to the assizes by the said Sir John Poynts to give evidence as he supposeth. Also he utterly denieth that he paid for the making of ani such bill of Inditment, and saith that he paid som part of theyr charges for that they were witnesses in a cause of on of his sisters.
Ad 3d Interrog[atio]n. He answereth that the time spesified in this Interrogatory is not certayn and therfore thinketh himself not bounde to answer unto this Interrogatory.
Ad 4n Interrog[atory]. He confesseth that he did will and counsell Willia[m] Belsher not to compound or argue with this comp[lainan]t for certain tythes then in sute in the consistory courte at Bristoll for that he thinketh that the plaintiff had no right unto them and farther also confesseth that he promised his helpe and mony to deffend the cause against the compl[ainant]: because the said Belsher is his tennant by coppy of court roll and concerneth his inheritance. And as for any such agreement that was betwen them this deponent knoweth none and consequently knoweth not of any such breaking of.
Ad 5d Interroga[tory]. He confesseth that he this dep[onen]t did prosecut and folow a suit where in William Belsher was def[endan]t in the consistory court of Bristoll and help to procure a p[ro]hibicon out of the court of common pleis and the same being brought downe unto Glouc[ester] Assizes for triall therof did what he might to further the said Belsher And also saith that the said Belsher delivered him some mony but sayth he hath laid out more then he hade of the said Belsher yet how much he nowe remembreth not
Ad 6nd Interrog[atory]. He answereth that wher he, nor the said Belsher to his knowledge did p[ro]cure or p[er]swade John Marshall and Henry Woode before Mr. Justis Walmesley about the time in th interog[atory] mentioned and also the said Marshall Woode Thomas Prigg John Dagg Henry Nicholas als Hunt and John Perriman at the last Assizes at Glouc[ester] falsly to deposse and testifie upon theyr othes that the said costome within the Hamlet of Winterborne time out of minde hath ben and is such as is expressed in the said Interrog[atory] but further saith that if they did depose any such costome expressed in the said Interroga[tory] he verylye thinketh they to have deposed truly therin.
Ad 7d Interrog[atory]. He saith he was brought before the lord chief justis by the p[ro]curement of the compl[ainan]t and by the lord cheif iustis comitted to ward or prison but he denieth that he beinge in warde did practize with too lewde personnes to p[ro]cure his liberty and to deceave the said lo[rd] cheif Justis and further saith that he did not compound and agree with too lewde p[er]sones that they should come unto the lo[rd] cheif Justis and before him to take corporall othes on the holy Evangelist that they wer subsidy mene the on to her Ma[jes]tie set in subsidie at v li in landes the other x li in goodes and further saith that he did not have any apparell for ani such lewde p[er]sonnes.

The Answer of Alic Weare.
Ad 1nd Interrog[atory]. She answereth that the said Nicholals Crundall clearke said unto the constable Richard Weare this deponents husband charging him to keepe the Queens peace, said, I car not a turd for thone nore for herr nether. This he spake betwene Mr. Bradstons house and the house of on John Philpot about x or xi of the clocke in the forenoone as she remembreth but what weeke or moneth she doth not wel remember. But she saith this was spoken in the p[re]sence of Mr. Bradston John Marshall William Belsher and Richard Wear.
Ad 2nd Interrog[atory]. She answereth as in the first and not otherwais.
Ad 3nd Interrog[atory]. She saith that both she and John Marshall in the interr[ogatory] mentioned did depose at Glouc[ester] Assizes spesified before the iustices and Jury, that the said pl[ain]t[iff] Nicholas Crundall had spoken the said unreverent wordes. And that she spake it nether of her own invention nor by the sinester p[er]swasion or subornation of ani mame & that also without any p[ro]mise of recompenc or rewarde made any way
Ad 4nd Interrog[atory]. She utterly denieth any such meting by the p[rac]tys in the said Interrog[atory] mentioned
Ad 5nd. She answereth as before unto the third
Ad 5nd Interog[atory]. She answereth negatively for herself & for all others to her knowledg.

The Answer of John Periman
Ad 1n Interrog[atory]. This deponent answereth that he knoweth p[re]sesly of of his owne knowledge that within the hamlet of Winterborn in the bill mentioned ther is this custom in generall that every ocupier of land within the said hamlet should pay yerly for all tyth hay arising or from tym to tym renewing upon the said yard land and for all pasturage and after pasturag of harrawe feeding and breeding cattell whatsoever in law and full satisfaction of the said tythes and feedinges six penc for every yard land, threepenc for every half yard, and for every cottag three halfpenc and not above & this he knoweth p[er]f[e]c[t]ly by report of his father who paid after that rate a long time: And p[er]f[ect]ly by that Mr John Weston fine for tething hay & could not recover it.
Ad 2n Interroga[tory]. He confesseth that he did before the iustices of th assizes at Glouc[ester] testifie upon his othe that the costome of Winterborne for payment of tythes was as afforsaid to the first Interrog[atory] And said that himself was not caled befor Doctor James to testifie ani such matter, And farther he saith that he was moved to testifie and depose what afforsaid by W[il]l[ia]m Belsher who said he had p[ro]cess to cal him therunto
Ad 3n Interrog[atory]. He saith that if ther wer ani such groundes converted from wood or arrable ground to meadow ground yet he affirmeth that he never knew any tyth hay due out of any such ground for he never paid any himself nor his father befor him
Ad 4n Interrog[atory]. He answereth that Wil[lia]m Belsher did move and p[er]swade him to go to Glouc[ester] to testifie the truth concerning the costom of Winterborn afforsaid and that Thomas Prigg John Dagg and Henry Nicholas did depose and Justifie the same costome and farther confesseth himself to have receaved four grates towards his house hire and his paynes

The Answer of Thomas Prigg
Ad 1n Interrog[atory] he answereth that he knoweth p[re]sisly of his oune knowledge that within the Hamlet of Winterborn in the bill mentioned ther is this costom in generall that every ocupier of land within the said hamlet have and should pay yerly for all tyths hay arising or from time to time renewing upon the said yard land and for all pasturing and after pasturing of barren breding and feeding cattell whatsoever in lew and full satisfactio[n] of the said tythes and fedinges sixpenc to every yard land , three pence for every half yarde, and for every cottage three half penc and not above. And this he knoweth for that he was borne and fredd in the p[ar]ish and hade a teniment of a yard land three or four yeres within the Hamlet of Winterborn aforsaid and never paid any tyth hay but [illeg.] mony only according to the costom there
Ad 2n Interrog[atory]. He answereth that he did as well before the iustices of assize and Jury at Glouc[ester] as also before doctor James in the consistory court at Bristoll testifie by oth that the costom of the said hamlet of Winterborn for the tythes afforsaid was in such sort and no otherwise than is above in the next antecedent Interro[atory] spesially and p[ar]ticularly set downe
Ad 3n Interog[atory]. He saith that he knoweth not anyway within Winterborne afforsaid that upon any ground converted from wood or arrable to meddow within his remembranc hath yelded or payed any tyth hay in kind as tn unto the p[ar]son ther or to his or theyr farmour or farmours there
Ad 4n Interog[atory]. He answereth that William Belsher and Robart Bradston in the bill mentioned did request and move him to testifie the costom as concerning the payment of a certain som of mony for all tyth hay whatsoever within the said hamlet as in the first Interrog[atory] is expressed and farther this dep[onen]t confesseth that the said Wil[lia]m Belsher and Robard Bradston did promise him this deponent his charges but yet affirmeth that he hath none nor yet taketh for any.

Henry Nicholas al[ia]s Hunt
Ad 1n Interog[atory]. He answereth that he knoweth p[re]cisely of his own knowledge that within the hamlet of Winterborn in the bill mentioned ther is this costom in generall that every ocupier of on yard lande within the said hamlet have and should pay yerly for all tyth hay arising or from time to time renewing upon every yard land and for all pasturing and afterpasturing of Barran breeding and feding cattell in hew & ful satisfaction of the said tythes and fedinge sixpenc for every yard land to every half yard threepenc and for every cottag three halfpenc and not above and this he knoweth because nether he nor his father befor him did every pay otherwise and saith he was borne in the p[ar]ish of Winterborn.
Ad 2n Interrog[atory]. He answereth that he did as well before the iustices of the Assize and iury at Glouc[ester] as also before doctor James in the consistory court at Bristoll testifie on his oth, that the costom of Winterborn afforsaid for the tythes afforsaid, in the first interrog[atory] was in such sort and no otherwise then is above in the first Interrog[atory] p[ar]ticularly spesified and this he affirmeth for the causes above expressed in 1o interrog[atory].
Ad 3n Interrog[atory]. He sayth that he doth not know any Inhabitant within the said hamlet that hath converted any arrable ground into meddow that hath yelded and payd or ought to have yelded any tyth hay in kinde growing upon the said ground, unto the person of Winterborn for the time being or to his Farmour or Farmours.
Ad 4n Interrog[atory]. He answereth that nether Wil[lia]m Belsher nor Robart Bradston did move request or p[er]swad him to testifie or depose the costom to be as afforsaid to the first Interrog[atory] and farther affirmeth that he had no rewarde nor recompence therefore.
Thomas Baynham John Wickwick his M marke.