TNA SP 12/4, 19

From Waalt

TNA SP 12/4, 19 f.95

[Transcribed by Helen Good]

By the Quene Trusty and welbeloved we grete you well. And whereas the merchauntes Adventurers of that our Citie of Exceter, dyd of late obteyn of us an Incorporacion of a fellowship amonges them: Forasmuch as complaynte ys made unto us in the behalf of sundry our subjectes inhabiting both within our sayd Citie, & the countries thereaboutes, whereby it shuld seme, that the sayd corporacion ys not like to cume to so good a purpos, as it was first by the sayd marchantes pretended but rather to be hurtfull to a great multitude of our loving subjectes in those partes: we lete you wite, our will & pleasur ys, that from hensfurth our graunt of the said Incorporacion shall ceasse, untill the same with the sayd complaint be further by us considered willing & charging you therefore to take furthwith such order with the master & felowship of the sayd marchauntes, as there be nothing don in this mean while by them or any of them contrary unto this our pleasor, as they tender the same, and will answer for the contrary and that yoe delyuer owt of prison any maner of person now [ym]prisoned by force of your sayd incorporacion yeven under our Signet at our Palais of Westminister the xth day of May, the first yere of our Reigne.