TNA SP 12/1, 22

From Waalt

TNA SP 12/1. 22

Transcribed by Helen Good


Besides my harties Comendacions these shalbe to signyfie unto you that my sute unto the Quenes highnes for the Lyewtenancy of Waltham Forrest. Beynge comytted unto the hearynge of my Lord Marquis of Wynchester (unto whome I have showed my evydence concernynge the premysses). I can by no meanes intreate to make reporte thereof unto her highnes untyll the same have establyshed her counselors learning in the Lawes of this realme, withe whome he wyll conferre concernynge my said sute which thynge he certyfyeth me by his lettres (which this brynger shall shewe you) can not convenyently be don before the next terme. Sir I have lykewyse shewed my evydence to Mr Gerrard, Mr Sackford and Weston Solicitor and they all saye to me I have good right to the said offyce. Wherefore, I most hartely praye you allthowgh. I be delayed untill the tyme before lymyted yet stande you so muche my Frende in the meane tyme as to move the Quenes Majestie that nothinge be done or graunted to my hynderaunce before my tytle shall appere unto her highnes. And this doyng god wyllynge I will recompence your gentlenesse Fare you hartely well From my house at London Stone this viijth of december

Your Lovynge Frend



To his very Lovinge Fryend Sir William Cycill Knyght

1558 viijth of decembre Erle Oxeford.