TNA SP 12/1, 62

From Waalt

SP 12/1, 62. f.137

Transcribed by Helen Good

The othe of a Counsailor

You shall as farfurth as your cunning and discretion sufficeth truly justly and uprightly counsaile & advise the Quenes highness in all matters which you shalbe made privy or called unto to be communed treated and demeined in the Quenes Counsell, or by you as the Quenes Counsailor. And generally in all thynges that maye be to the Quenes honor and behofe, and to the good of her Realms Lord shipps & subjectes without partialitye or exception of persons not leving or eschcuing so to do for affection love mis[ ]doubte or dreade of anie person or persons. And you shall keepe secret the Quenes Counsaile & all that shalbe commanded by waye of Counsailes in the same, without that you shall common yt publishe yt or discover yt by worde writing or in anywise, to anye person out of the same Counsaile, or to anye of the same Counsaill yf yt touche him, or if he be partie therunto. And that you shall receve no giftes made nor good ne promise of good of anye person for promoting favoring declaring letting or hindering of anye matter or thing to be treated or don in the sayd Counsaile. You shall also with all your might and power help & strenghten the sayd Quenes Counsaile in all that shalbe thought to the same Counsaile for the universall good of the Quene of her Realms, & for the peaes rest & tranquillitie of the same and with standinge person or persons of what estate or degree that they be of that would by any waye attempt or tend to the contrary / And generally you shall observe and keape and do all that a good & true Counsailor ought to do to his Liege Ladye so helpe you god &c.