TNA SP 12/1, 23

From Waalt

TNA SP 12/1, 23

Transcribed by Helen Good


As to our humble dueties dothe appteigne. May it please your worshipe to be advertised That Forasmuche as certeigne of our neighbors merchant adventurers and mercers of this Cittie have a great Desire to be united and knitte in one fellowshipp or company by incorporacon. For thattaynment wherof they have alleged and sett forthe good groundes and consideracions and have therupon dyvysed very godly and commendable articles and requestes to be exhibited unto the quenes majesties grace by this berer in that behalfe specially appointed We understanding the zealfull intent of our said neigbors unto the comon welth of this cittie being the place of their abode and cheife refuge are bold most humbly to beseche your worshipe in ther behalfe by your good assistans to prefre their said sute wherby they may the rather attaigne the same as we shall be no lesse redy to do you any service or plesure that may lye in us who preserve you in Longe lyfe wth myche worshipe / From Exetor the vijth of December in ... anno 1558 By your assured to ther poweris

[signatures of the mayor, John Buller and 6 others]


To the right honorable Sir William Scycell knight Secretary to the Quenes most excellent Majestie

1558 vijth of Decembre The Maior and his brethrene of Exeter