Rochester Documents

From Waalt

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T1311 A: Petition to king's council by the prior of Rochester against John le Engleys jr, Thomas atte Boure, Henry de Bolescombe chaplain, Thomas le Gam, Adam Brid, and many other named parties. Kent. Besieging the priory. [1]; [2]: verdict indicated that the men of Rochester had an altar in the cathedral church customarily; men of the priory (without the prior's knowledge) broke and removed that altar. When some of those who had been at the breaking of the altar went into town, heated words were exchanged and they were beaten, but no blood was spilled.

M1318 A: Stephen Craye v. Nicholas atte Dene. John de Balefeld bailiff of Rochester according to his office and at the suit of Stephen attached Nicholas by two tuns of wine to answer Stephen according to the law merchant for a debt of 5 marks 6s8d. Nicholas, not permitting himself to be justiced, took back the wine without satisfying Stephen. No verdict. [3]



  • H1357 A: Repair of the bridge of Rochester. [4] rcp












