CP 202, 6

From Waalt

The Cecil Papers at Hatfield House

CP Volume 202 Folio 6
HMC Volume 1 Page 274 Number 896
Haynes Page 402 Number 402

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

27 July 1563, Mr Amys Poulett to Sir William Cecill

From the Original.

YT maye please your Honor to be advertysed, that whereas yt hathe pleasyd God to punyshe thys Castle with the Pestilence, so as there dyed here the fyrst Week nyne of the said Dysease: Havyng usyd all possible and lawfull Meanes for the Staye thereof, and being nowe stayed by the Space of fyve or syxe Dayes, the same is presentlye renewyd agayne, two others of the Sowedyars beyng deceassyd this present Daye, and six or seven others remayenyng extremelye sycke to the great Perills of so small a Garryson. Whereupon being required by the Captain of Hurst and others the Commyssyoners for Garnseye, to repayre unto them for their Assystance in theyr Commyssyon; I have not thought yt my Dewtye, nother to stande with my honestye to leave my Charge yn thys myserable Distres; and, to saye the Trewthe, cannot do yt without great daunger of apparant Ynconvenyents amongst my Sowedyors, nother without the myslikyng of the Inhabytants of the Isle; which beyng somewhat ynfected alreadye with this Syeknes, are not wyllyng to spare me, for the Order of my said Sowedyors, as knowethe God, who always preserve your Honor. Wreyten at Jersey, the 27th of Julye 1563.

Your Honour's at Commande,

Amys Poulett.

To the Right Honorable Sir Wylliam Cecill Knight, principall Secretarye to the Quene's Majestie.