CP 152, 150

From Waalt

CP Volume 152 Folio 150

HMC Volume 1 Page 224 Number 713

Haynes Page 314 Number 313

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

23 May 1560 Earl of Arran to Secretary Cecill

From the Original.

THOTHT I do not mistraist, bot yat my last Letteris ar cum into youre Handes, yit thotht I na Opertunite to be omitted, quhair my lassur wald serve, to lat yow undirstand be my aune Writingis sum Part of oure Effaris heir. Althot it plesed not God, for oure deserving, that our last Interpriss towert Leith had not sa gude Succes as we howped for; yit I assure yow is nowther oure Myndis dejected, nor ony thing discuraged to gif ony Attempt, quhen occasionn salbe offred to bring yat Purpois to pas; without the quhilk, thotht we myght enjoy mair then evir we possessed, with Surtie of oure Livis, yit without hir Graces Honoure, baith in this Actionn and all uther, that sa mekill estemis oure Libertie, we repute it Villany to leif in the Warld. Thotht hir Graces Chargeis hes bene marvellous greit, the Succes hitherto not according to hir Expectationn, nor ouris; yit I think the End will redound sa mekill unto hir Honour, as nevir the like to ony Princes: Our Dewiteis and Obedience to hir Majestie sik, that I traist it sall in schort tyme be thotht, yat nevir Prince maid the like Purches. As hitherto ye haif sehewin your self ane maist affectioned Freind to this Caus, ane maist faithfull and prudent Counsalor to youre Soverane, luffing and favorabill to all that sekis the glorie of God; sa haif we na mistraist of the Continwance of youre gude Will; nor can not think bot that ye wey, with quhat Difficulteis greit Enterprises ar obtened; and how mekill it may redound to Goddis Gloir, and wele of baith the Realmes to h thame united in ane, to Goddis Gloir, and oure perpetual Felicite. I haif send yow heir inclosed, quhilk I beseik yow may cum unto hir Majesteis Handis. Sp not to speik, thotht above my deserving. I will not faill in my Indevoure to ony gude Report ye sall mak of me, nor be unmyndfull, quhen Tyme salbe, of ony Plesor ye schew me. Sa fair ye hertlie wele. Fra ye Camp, foranent Leith, May 23, 1560. Yowrs asswrid hartty good Freind,

James Hamylton

To the Ryght Honorable Sir WilliamSicill, Secretarie to the Quent's Majestie..