CP 152, 136

From Waalt

CP Volume 152 Folio 136

HMC Volume 1 Page 211 Number 674

Haynes Page 293 Number 282

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

18 April 1560 William Maitland Laird of Lyddington, to the Lady Cecill

From the Original.

I PRAY yow fynd no Fault with me that this lang have delayed to write unto yow. I know what Care you have alwayes for our Maters; and if I shold have witten, how Things here have proceded, I shold but have incresed it. If we wer ones clere ryd off all Termes off Treaty, I se no lykelyhode but off good Succes. Saving that we stand in doute, that the Quene's Majestie may be entreted to fall to a Communication, I se nothing yet to be mislyked. For that I think the Lord off St. Jhone shall shortly be direct to the Quene's Majestie (with whome I will send yow ample Advertissement of all Things) I write briefly for the present: Praying yow to putt all mistrust out of your Mynd, and so to juge off us all that, rather then we shall at any tyme become ingrate, or unmyndfull off hir Majestis Goodness towardes ws, we shall hassard Lyves, Lands and all: Let the malecious Report off ws what they list, thus it shall prove in dede. Those whome your gentillnes hath oblist to be your Frendes here, have willed me to remember theyr Commen-dations. Thus I wishe yow well to fare. From the Camp before Leyt, the 18th off Aprill 1560. Yours assuredly to my Lyues end,

W. Maitland.

To my very good Lady my Lady Cecill.