CP 152, 132

From Waalt

CP Volume 152 Folio 132

HMC Volume 1 Page 210 Number 671

Haynes Page 292 Number 281

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

16 April 1560 The Counsaile to the Lord Gray, and the Counsaile assisting him

From a Miaute of Secreary Cecill.

AFTER our hearty Commendations to your Lordship and to all the rest. It hath somewhat troobled us to understand, that the Lords of Scotland haue conceaved Discomforte, and the French contrary, by the late Treaty with the Dowager, and also by Reports made, that the Quene's Majestie's Army, shuld not long contynew there for lack of Monny. And lyke as hir Majestie wryteth presently to yow, how much this miscontenteth hir, for respect of hir Service; so haue we thought mete, after our harty Thanks gyven to yow all, for your great Paynes and Aventures in this Service, to advertise yow, that it is necessary to redubbe this Woand gyven, and, by Prosequution of the Sege, and light Estymation of the Treaty, to demonstrate both to your Frends and to the Ennemy, that you meane there, for your Parte, to pursue the Cause with all vehemence; and that the Quene's Majesty, and we also haue fully determyned not to desist the acheving of the Enterprise, ether for spence of Treasure or Men. And so surely we meane to contynew of that Mynd, both for the Honor and Suerty of this Kyngdom, without drede ether of the French, or any Partenor they can gett: So much doo we esteme to performe, that which is taken in Hand. And most hartely besech yow all for the Honor of your Contrey, and your owne severall Creditts and Estymation, to employe your selfes to the best of your Power, wheruppon we trust to see some honorable good end.