CP 152, 45

From Waalt

CP Volume 152 Folio 45

HMC Vol 1 Page 169 Number 596

Haynes Page 219 Number 197

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

13 Jan 1559 From the Counsayle to the Duke of Norfolk's Grace

From a Minute of Secretary Cecill.

AFTER our harty Commendations to your good Lordshipp. The same shall understand that of late a Seruant of the Erle of Lenox, named Nesbitt, cam hyther with Lettres from his Master to me the Secretary, by the which he declared that he had receved Lettres and Intelligence from the Bishopp of Catness his Brother out of Scotland, by one Gaston a Gentilman of Scotland, whereby he was motioned at this tyme to sett forward his old right and clayme in Scotland; and therefore he required me the Secretory to obtain for hym License from the Queen's Majesty to send into Scotland from tyme to tyme, and to conferr and practise with his Frends there: Uppon which Matter I the Secretory tooke some deliberation, and communicated the same with us, the rest, whose Names be hereunto subscribed, as a matter of no small Moment, consideryng some other Intelligence had of the French Practisies in the same Poynts. In the mean Season we understand, that the sayd Nesbitt made his repayre secretly to the French Embassador here in London, and also came to some Knowledge what his practise was with the same Embassador; wheruppon we sawe it very necessary to call the sayd Nesbitt, before us; who letted not to confess that his Master addressed hym to the sayd Embassador with certen Messagees; and that also he required the sayd Embassador to wryte to the Dowager of Scotland in his Masters Favour; and that he shuld be privee of his Procedings here. Uppon this and furder Matter that wee see very dangerouse to suffer to procede, we haue comitted the Party to the Tower, where he shall be furder examyned; and haue thought convenient to advertise the Erle of Lenox hereof in such sort, as, by the Copy of our Lettre here included, shall appeare unto you: Which when you haue perused, our Meanings is, that you shall send the same unto hym, signesyeng unto him, that, with other Lettres sent to your Lordship, the same was also sent, with Request to cause it to be delyvered unto him. And so our Meaning is not that your Lordship shuld appeare to hym or his Wiffe, that you haue any Knowledge of the Cause; and yet nevertheless this Knowledge shall serve to gyve yow more occasion to be vigilant to these Practisees; and further to gyve Order to all the Frontyers, both uppon the Est and Middle Marches, that no Scottishman be permitted to come or goo, but such as are, for the Service of the Realme, sent ether to the Wardens or to yourself, or to the Queen's Majestie, or to us of hir Counsell. We must let your Lordship knowe that the French mayntain no small Practise, in setting upp this Matter of the Erle of Lenox, both to furder there present purpose, and otherwise also to reserve to themselves a quarrellose Offence; and therfore the Sone and the Heyre of the sayd Erle, is better in Scotland than elswhere. Of other Things we forbeare to wryte untill furder Occasion be gyven us from your Grace, whose Honor and Procedings we do as much with to increase as euer we haue to any Nobleman.