CP 138, 21c

From Waalt

CP Vol 138 f.21

HMC Vol 1 p 183 No 620

Haynes Page 245 Number 225

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740
 16 Feb 1559 From my Lord his Grace, and the Counsaile here, to the Lords of the Queen's Majesties Pryvye Counsaile

From the Duke of Norfolk's Book of Entries.

AFTER our most hartie Commendations to your good Lordships. Where it hath pleased you by your Lettres of the 12th of this present, to signysie unto me the Duke of Norffolk, that the Quene's Majestie hath willed you, the Lord Admyrall, to sett forth certein Shippes out of the Towne of Newcastell and Hull, for the reenforcing of here Majestie's Navie nowe in the Fryethe, that they may be the better hable to withstand all Events; wherein your Lordship requyreth me, to cause Geoff. Vaughan, and such others as are appoynted by you, the Lord Admyrall, to putt the seid Ships in a Redynes for the Service, to be assisted in all Things requysytt for the doing thereof: It may please your Lordships to understand, that the seid Geoff. Vaughan being absente, we have called Bartram Anderson, who hathe the Chardge with the seid Vaughan for the setting forth of the seid Shipes. By whom we perceive that albeit the Ships have ben staied here for this Service, from suche Voiages as the Owners wold have imployed them in, everr sithens Vaughan's arryvall here, yet be they utterly unfurnyshed, both of Ordynance and Victuall, and also of Maryners; the lacke wherof is suche, as we see not howe the Nomber cann be supplyed, whiche of necessitie must serve for this Purpose; so that as farr as we cann perceive, the seid Ships cannot be put in a readynes for this Service in such Tyme, as they may be hable to serve the Torne. And also, as we wrote to you, Mr. Secretarie, in our Lettre of the 14th of this present, we cannot levye in thes Parts suche apte and expert Souldiers, especially Harquebussyers, as in this Caase were meet and convenyente. Of this we have thought meet to advertise your Lordships, to the intent ye may the better supply thes lacks, where the same may be holpen more convenyently; and yet, shall we not lett to doo, all that may be doon here, for the furtheraunce of this Service, according to our Dewties.

Tho. Norffolk, W. Gray, R. Sadler, G. Howard, F. Leeke.