Software Engineering Research Group at UH


Software Engineering Research Group (SERG) at the University of Houston develops tools and techniques for building reliable software systems.

News: We are looking for self-motivated and talented students to join our group. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Alipour (


Research Areas

·       Software Testing and Analysis

·       Empirical Software Engineering

·       Publications



·       Dr. Mohammad Amin Alipour, Director

·       Aftab Hussain, PhD student

·       Matin Amoozadeh, PhD student



·       Soodeh Atefi, PhD student

·       Md. Rafiqul Islam Rabin, PhD student

·       Andrew Truelove, Undergraduate Researcher (won Provost’s Undergraduate Research Scholarship),

·       Victor Florintsev, Undergraduate Researcher


Friends of SERG

·       Natural Language Processing Lab at the University of Houston



·       Department of Computer Science

·       PhD Program

·       MS Program

·       Accelerated MS Program

·       Visit Houston