


 Yoon Kyoung HAN

Graduate Student, PhD Candidate

Department of Chemistry

Texas Center for Superconductivity of the University of Houston (TcSUH),
HSC Building, University of Houston,
Houston, TX 77204-5002, USA

Tel: (713) 743 8284; Fax: (713) 743 4004
Personal Website: none yet


Research interests

To be announced


[Bullet] 2003: M.S. in Chemistry, Seoul Women's University, Korea.

[Bullet] 2001: B.S. in Chemistry, Seoul Women's University, Korea.






[Bullet] 2004

Yoon-Kyoung Han, Dong-Kyun Seo, Haeyong Kang, Woun Kang and Dong-Youn Noh; New 1:3 Type Nickel-Bis(dithiolene) Salt (FcCHCHPymCH3)[Ni(dmit)2]3 (dmit: 2-Thioxo-1,3-dithiole-4,5-dithiolate): Its Electrocrystallization, Crystal Structure, Electrical Properties, and Electronic Band Structure Analysis, Inorg. Chem., 2004, 43(23), pp. 7294-7300.

Yoon-Kyoung Han and Dong-Youn Noh; Raman/IR Spectroscopic Characterization of the Ni(dmit)2-Complexes with trans-4-[2-(1-Ferrocenyl)vinyl]-1-Methylphridinium Chromphore, J. Kor. Chem. Soc. 2004, 48 (1) pp. 107-110.

[Bullet] 2003

Dong-Youn Noh, Yoon-Kyoung Han, Woun Kang Haeyong, Kang and Urs Geiser; ET-based mixed-donor CT salt: [ET/MET/MT](ReO4), Synthetic Metals, 2003, 135-136, pp. 519-520.

Kyong-Soon Shin, Yoon-Kyoung Han and Dong-Youn Noh; Synthesis and Redox Property of Heterometallic (dppf)M(C8H4S8) and (dppf)M(C6S8)M(dppf) (M = Pd and Pt, dppf = 1,1'-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene), Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 2003, 24 (2) pp. 235-238.