Goldschmidt - University of Houston
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Goldschmidt Fall 2014

Sacramento, California
Jun. 8 - 13, 2014
For details, go to

Presentations with UH EAS faculty/students as (Co-)Authors

Author(s) Title
Nelson, W.R.*, Snow, J.E.*, Brandon, A.D.*, Ohara, Y. Isotopic evolution of the backarc oceanic mantle.  24th Ann. Goldschmidt Conf., #1788
Goderis, S., Brandon, A.D.*, Humayun, M. High-precision Os isotopes in CV-CK carbonaceous chondrites.  24th Ann. Goldschmidt Conf., #2994
Brandon, A.D.* INVITED KEYNOTE. Sulfur recycling in subduction zones.  24th Ann. Goldschmidt Conf., #267.
Heywood L, Reagan M, Andreasen* R, Righter* M, Lapen* T, Michibayashi K, Jicha B & Goff K Geodynamic Implications of Amphibolites from the Mariana Forearc
Righter* M, Andreasen* R & Lapen*  Eucrite Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf Ages and Constraints on Excess of 176Hf
Andreasen* R, Righter* M, Lapen* T & Irving A In situ Magnesium Isotopes and Trace Elements in Ungrouped Achondrite Northwest Africa 7325
