AAPG ACE Annual Convention - University of Houston
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AAPG ACE Annual Convention 2019

AAPG ACE Annual Convention
San Antonio, TX - May 19-22, 2019
Details: ace.aapg.org/2019

2019 AAPG ACE Conference P r o g r a m – UH Oral and Poster Presentations






Monday (May 20)

Controls of Cenozoic Mass Transport Deposits on Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Mexican Ridges Fold-Belt, Western Gulf of Mexico

Jack Kenning**

Paul Mann**

8:30 AM- 12:00 PM

Exhibit Hall


Identifying Compartmentalized Sections of Lower Vicksburg Reservoirs and the Potential for Directional Drilling in McAllen Ranch Field, Hidalgo County, Texas

Matthew McAllen**

Don Van Nieuwenhuise*


8:30 AM- 12:00 PM

Exhibit Hall


Restoring the Late Jurassic, Conjugate Margins of the Gulf of Mexico: Recent Progress and Remaining Problems

Paul Mann*

Andrew Steier**

Pin Lin**

11:10 AM- 11:30 AM

Room 206 A-B


Migrating Sediment Waves Formed by Turbidity Currents Along the Indian North-Eastern Margin

Ramya Ravindranathan**

Venkatarathnam Kolla

Pankaj Gupta

Mohit Mathur

Neeraj Sinha

Jasmin Imran

1:40 PM- 2:00 PM

Room 206 A-B


Tuesday (May 21)

Comparison Between Inverted Oblique Rift Sandbox Models and Phitsanulok Basin Structural Styles, Onshore Thailand

Phinphorn Amonpantang**

Jonny Wu*

1:30 PM- 5:00 PM

Exhibit Hall


Detailed Characterization of Hydrocarbons in Source Rocks and Mud Rock Reservoirs by Thermal Extraction-Evolved Product GC-MS and GC-MS/MS Analysis

Adry Bissada*

L. M. Darnell**

Thomas Malloy*

Mei Mei**

Jeffery Wright

1:40 PM- 2:00 PM

Hemisfair Ballroom II


Wednesday (May 22)

Timing of Paleozoic-Cenozoic Tectonic Events in the Permian Basin, West Texas, From Integrated Subsidence and Structural Studies

Hualing Zhang**

Paul Mann*

8:30 AM- 12:00 PM

Exhibit Hall


Testing the Two-Stage Triassic-Jurassic Opening Model for the Gulf of Mexico From Faults Bounding Shallowly Buried Rifts in the Southeastern Gulf of Mexico

Marcus P. Zinecker*

Paul Mann*

8:30 AM- 12:00 PM

Exhibit Hall





