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Equipment and systems not maintained by Technical Services group

Equipment and systems not maintained by Utility Services group include (but is not limited to) the following:

  1. Department specific equipment including lab freezers, refrigerators, autoclaves, clean room and associated equipment and systems, environmental rooms and associated systems, animal care facility cage washers, bio-safety cabinets and chemical storage cabinets, equipment for self-contained animal cages, etc. Utility Services is responsible for building DI water systems, but not small single tank point of use applications.
  2. Buildings and applications using compressed air higher than 75-80psi as supplied by the Central plant air compressors and 25 psi supplied by building control air compressors and/or requiring cleaner air than the air provided by these compressors.
  3. Equipment and systems used for serving non-academic spaces and functions (non-E&G spaces) like Hilton Hotel, Campus Recreation and Wellness Center, University Center UC Underground, UC Satellite, Hofheinz Pavilion, Athletics, Residence Halls, Center for Public Broadcasting, child care, A.D. Bruce Religion Center, retail tenants etc. Examples include, HVAC, controls, food preparation and storage, dish washers, laundry, and swimming pool equipment and systems.
  4. Call Customer Service at 713-743-4948 if you have questions regarding departmental maintenance service responsibilities.