What is Adaptive Athletics?

Adaptive Athletics is a student organization and sports club at the University of Houston that promotes opportunities for students with disabilities to become and remain active through Adaptive Sports.

What kind of sports programs does Adaptive Athletics offer?

Adaptive Athletics currently provides programs for wheelchair rugby and adaptive tennis. We are looking to include more adaptive sports in the future, such as track/road racing, power soccer, and wheelchair basketball.

What events does Adaptive Athletics hold?

Adaptive Athletics holds multiple events throughout the year. We hold the SMASH Tournament in the Fall, Coog Cup in the Spring, and Wheelchair Rugby Camp in the Summer.

Are there any adaptive teams at UH?

As of now, Adaptive Athletics partners with the TIRR Texans Quad Rugby team for wheelchair rugby and ___ for adaptive tennis, but we hope to have our own registered teams in the future.

How do I join Adaptive Athletics?

You may apply to become an Adaptive Athletics Coordinator when enrollment for the next semester comes around. We suggest that you follow us on Facebook to get the most updated information regarding applications. You may also be a part of Adaptive by volunteering for the events we hold.

Can I volunteer with Adaptive Athletics?

Yes! Adaptive Athletics welcomes volunteers for all events held. It is a great way to get exposed to the club, especially if you are looking to apply for a coordinator position.

What do coordinators do?

Coordinators help plan the events that are held each semester.

Can I donate to Adaptive Athletics?

Yes! Adaptive Athletics welcomes monetary as well as in-kind donations.